Sneezing in iguanas is normal, but some owners start worrying when their iguana start sneezing so much. In this post, we will discuss why an iguana is sneezing so much, why do iguanas sneeze and how to clean salt deposits in iguana’s tank.
Why do iguanas sneeze?
Iguanas sneeze to get rid of byproduct salts in their body. Sneezing helps regulate the salt and ion levels in iguana’s body by removing their excess levels. Iguanas also sneeze if there is a foreign object in the nose or any particle, as a protective reaction.
Iguanas have trouble eliminating all the salts with the urine, so they get rid of excess salts by snalting (sneeze + salt). Nasal salt glands help remove any excess salt from the blood by sneezing it out from nasal cavity.
Salt and water are very important in water conservation, too. Excess sodium and potassium are eliminated through the nasal gland by sneezing. Please note, that calcium levels in iguana’s body have nothing to do with sneezing.
Why is my iguana sneezing so much?

- Frequent sneezing in iguanas is normal, and does not always indicate that your iguana is consuming too much salt.
- Your iguana could be consuming more sodium than before, if it keeps sneezing too much. Changes in the diet are the most common reasons for more frequent sneezing.
- For example, chard, carrots and celery contain higher levels of sodium, which could make your iguana sneeze more.
- If your iguana’s nose is dry, and there is no discharge, then then is nothing to worry about. Salt deposits (white dots) around nostrils are also fine.

- Your iguana could possibly be suffering from respiratory infection. An iguana suffering from a respiratory infection will be wheezing, coughing, will have lots of saliva (which could be frothy) and sometimes yellow discharge. It will also be breathing with an open mouth.
- To check the inside of the iguana’s mouth, use one hand to cover iguana’s eyes or place fingers on top of its jaw. Then, use another hand to pull the dewlap very gently.
- One of the other signs that your iguana is suffering from a respiratory infection is when it’s sneezing lots of fluid that comes out of its nose like and has a mucousy texture.
- If your iguana is sneezing a lot (few times during an hour or so), then you can cut certain foods and see if it helps reduce snalting.

If your iguana is not sneezing much, you do not need to feed it high sodium/potassium foods to make it sneeze. Some people start offering more bananas or leeks to iguana to make it sneeze more. There is no need to do that, because sneezing is the function to get rid of excess salts in iguana’s body.
How to clean iguana salt deposits in the cage?
Your iguana’s sneeze will be depositing on the cage glass. Because these are salt deposits, you will need to wipe the glass properly. Wipe the cage doors daily if your iguana is sneezing a lot.
To clean the salt deposits, you can use either a reptile cage cleaner spray like this, or make your own homemade cleaner. Take a mister, and fill it with half vinegar and half water.
You can also use half hydrogen peroxide (3% will be sufficient) and half water. Also good is a lemon slice, that will help remove any stains.