We all know that bearded dragons are fascinating lizards and can behave in different interesting ways. But why is a bearded dragon licking things, air, floor, plants, substrate, tank and you – the owner? In this post, we will discuss bearded dragon licking behavior, if it’s normal and what you can do to keep your bearded dragon safe.
Jacobson’s organ in bearded dragons

Bearded dragons have a Jacobson’s organ in the roof of the mouth. Snakes and lizards have this organ. Jacobson’s organ helps analyze particles on the tongue and send impulses to the brain, telling a bearded dragon everything about its surroundings – objects, animals, people.
Bearded dragons are also curious, and licking helps them explore. This sense in bearded dragons is also called vomerolfaction – and the vomeronasal organ (Jacobson’s organ) in the roof of the mouth is the organ that makes it happen.
This organ helps with tasting new foods, evaluating objects, telling people and animals apart, and understanding more about their surroundings in general. The receptors on the organ pick up particles (not air, but liquid) and then are sent as impulses.
The particles are often something that is released from the body, such as pheromones, liquids, sweat so on. This way, your bearded dragon can know who you are and also tell apart other pets and bearded dragons. They can also learn more about the objects around them. So as many people say ‘bearded dragons smell with their tongue’.
Why is my bearded dragon licking the air?
As we have mentioned above, bearded dragons use their tongue to catch particles and learn more about the environment. When a bearded ‘licks the air’, it tries to taste and smell the environment in a more efficient way.
So, for example, if your bearded dragon has pooped in the tank, it wouldn’t like the smell of it for sure. In this case, you might notice your bearded dragon opening its mouth and licking the ‘air’, trying to smell it better. Then, it might be scratching the glass and asking to come out because it doesn’t like the smell.
Many bearded dragons actually like keeping their tank clean. Some will hold the poop until you release them, if you have such a routine for your dragon to poop in the bath or somewhere else outside.
Why is my bearded dragon licking things?

Bearded dragons will lick everything they come in contact with – the flowers, the floor, tank sides and even you! They do this in order to familiarize with surroundings and learn if there are any predators or dangers ahead. Some bearded dragons will even lick everything before approaching it, to be safe.
Please be careful and never house your baby bearded dragons on sand or any other loose substrate. And if you let your bearded dragon out, make sure to clean any small particles and remove small objects from the floor.
Baby and juvenile bearded dragons under 7-10 months old are especially curious and there is a very high chance that they will ingest the substrate. But in general, you should not keep even an adult bearded dragon on sand, chips or any other loose substrate.
Bearded dragon licks everything
Your bearded dragon is likely to to lick everything that is new in the tank or outside. This is especially common if you take your bearded dragon out.
Basically, licking is very normal in bearded dragons and is seen not only when you change its habitat or take it out to roam, but also with familiar items. Bearded dragons under the age of 2-3 are likely to lick things more than older adults.
Your bearded dragon can also lick if it’s hungry. But more commonly, bearded dragons lick out of curiosity or to learn more about things around them. Sometimes, even when sleeping, your bearded dragon can lick the air and even bite!
Bearded dragon is sticking its tongue out

If your bearded dragon is actually sticking its tongue out but not ‘licking the air’, then it could be hot. If your bearded dragon is doing this when basking or generally in the tank, then it could be hot. Bearded dragons start panting when it gets hot – to release excess heat. If the temperature in the basking spot is not higher than 110 F (43 Celsius), then it is fine.
Another reason for an open mouth can be aggression – is your bearded dragon making any sounds and puffing its beard? It can be stressed or scared of new people, animals or surroundings.
Why is a bearded dragon licking its lips?

Sometimes you might notice that a bearded dragon is licking its lips. If your bearded dragon is licking its lips, then it could possibly be thirsty.
Use a dropper or something similar and offer drops of water to your bearded dragon’s snout. You can even benefit from a reptile water dispenser like this, as bearded dragons tend to only drink moving water unless they are very thirsty. Not many bearded dragons actually drink for a water bowl.
Make sure that the temperatures in the tank are not too high. Use one thermometer with a probe like this in a basking spot under the light, and one in the cool spot. Basking temperature right under the light shouldn’t be higher than 110 (43 Celsius) and cool side – 75-85 F (23.8-29 Celsius).
To summarize, licking in bearded dragons in completely normal! Licking is a sign of a healthy bearded dragon that is curious of its surroundings and is alert! So the next time your bearded dragon licks you, don’t be too surprised.
You can read about other bearded dragon behaviors in this post.