In this post, you will find a list of foods and information on whether your uromastyx can eat them or not, as well as how nutritious they are. If you would like to read a full diet and supplement guide, read this post.
In this post, you will also see a recommendation on how often to feed certain foods. This would be based on the fact that your uromastyx eats 5-7 days a week. If your uromastyx eats less (adults can eat every other or every other two days), then reduce the frequency of mentioned foods. A good rule is to always offer 1-3 types of staples, with a little bit of occasional food.
Oxalic foods = foods that with frequent consumption can bind calcium and prevent its absorption and usage by your uromastyx.
Goitrogenic foods = foods that with frequent consumption can bind iodine and cause issues with thyroid function.
Ideal Ca:P ratio in food is minimum 2:1 – there must be always more calcium than phosphorus in the diet.
Can uromastyx eat apples?
Yes, uromastyx can eat apples. Apples are one of the best fruits that you can offer uromastyx, but make sure to limit consumption of fruit to once in 7-10 days. Ca:P ratio is around 1:2.
Can uromastyx eat aloe?
No, your uromastyx cannot eat aloe. Aloe is not food for your uromastyx, and also contains laxative substances under the skin that will cause stomach upsets.
Can uromastyx eat arugula?
Yes, your uromastyx can eat arugula (rocket). You can feed arugula (rocket) every other day, as it has a good Ca:P ratio of around 3:1.
Can uromastyx eat asparagus?
Yes, your uromastyx can eat asparagus 1-2 times a week in small quantities. Offer asparagus raw, but chop off the stalk and the bottom part. Ca:P ratio is around 1:2.
Can uromastyx eat blueberries?
Yes, your uromastyx can eat blueberries from time to time, within the allowance of 5%. Blueberries are rather high in oxalates, and Ca:P ratio is 1:2.
Can uromastyx eat broccoli?
Yes, uromastyx can eat broccoli, but only once in 10-14 days. That’s because broccoli is goitrogenic, and with Ca:P of 1:1.4.
Can uromastyx eat bell peppers?
Yes, uromastyx can eat red/yellow/green bell peppers in small quantities around once a week. Ca:P ratio is around 1:2. Red bell peppers are higher in vitamin C, but your uromastyx might have color preferences.
Can uromastyx eat bee pollen?
Yes, you can offer bee pollen to your uromastyx in small quantities 1-2 times a week. Bee pollen contains a lot of vitamins & minerals and is a natural appetite booster and delicacy. Limit the consumption however, as it’s high in protein and can overtax the kidneys.
Can uromastyx eat brussels sprouts?
Yes, uromastyx can eat brussels sprouts, but quite rarely, as they are high in goitrogens. Feed once in 2-3 weeks or less. Ca:P ratio is around 1:7.
Can uromastyx eat blackberries?
Yes, uromastyx can eat blackberries within 5% of fruit allowance. Blackberries are high in oxalates, with Ca:P ratio of 1.3:1, so offer only occasionally.
Can uromastyx eat bok choy?
Yes, uromastyx can eat Bok Choy, but only occasionally, as it’s high in goitrogens, even though it has a good Ca:P ratio of 2.8:1. Many uromastyx tend to like Bok Choy, so offer some once a week or less, mixed with other staple greens/veggies.
Can uromastyx eat bird seed?
Yes, uromastyx can eat a mix of bird seed 1-3 times a week in moderation. Don’t offer daily, as seeds are high in fat and phosphorus. A good idea is to offer seeds after your uromastyx has eaten fresh greens/vegetables, or sprinkle some on a salad.
Can uromastyx eat bugs?
No, uromastyx should not eat any bugs. Uromastyx are not designed to consume and digest lots of protein, and even vegetable protein should be limited to once or twice a week (lentils, beans etc.).
Can uromastyx eat cucumbers?

No, you should avoid giving your uromastyx cucumber. Cucumbers are high in water and low in nutrients, with Ca:P ratio of 1:1.5. Can offer some when you need to provide extra moisture.
Can uromastyx eat celery?
Yes, uromastyx can eat celery, but only rarely. Celery is high in oxalates, and Ca:P ratio is 1.6:1.
Can uromastyx eat cabbage?
Yes, your uromastyx can eat cabbage, but rarely. Cabbage is goitrogenic and can cause gas/bloating. Red cabbage is somewhat less goitrogenic. Ca:P ratio – 1.5-2:1.
Can uromastyx eat cilantro (coriander)?
Yes, your uromastyx can eat cilantro. It is one of the great herbs that you can regularly add to salads. Ca:P ratio – 1.4:1.
Can uromastyx eat carrots?
Yes, uromastyx can eat carrots, but only once a week or less. Carrots are rather oxalic and Ca:P ratio is 1:1.7.
Can uromastyx eat collard greens?
Yes, uromastyx can and should eat collard greens when available. Collard greens are one of the staple greens, with a great Ca:P ratio of 14.5:1.
Can uromastyx eat cranberries?
Yes, uromastyx can eat cranberries, but rarely. Offer fresh only. Ca:P ratio is 1:1.6.
Can uromastyx eat cactus?
Yes, uromastyx can eat cactus pads and fruit (prickly pear), and it’s actually a staple food due to a good Ca:P ratio of 2.3:1. Offer fresh, and remove the skin and any spikes before feeding.
Can uromastyx eat crickets?
No, your uromastyx should not eat any crickets or other live bugs. Uromastyx are not designed to consume and digest lots of protein, so vegetable protein should be offered instead, in moderation (1-2 times a week).
Can uromastyx eat corn?
No, uromastyx should not eat corn, because corn is extremely high in phosphorus (Ca:P ratio of 1:13). Foods high in phosphorus will cause calcium absorption issues and deficiency over time.
Can uromastyx eat dandelion (greens and flowers)?
Yes, uromastyx can eat dandelion greens and flowers, and they are actually one of the staple foods. Dandelion greens are high in calcium, with Ca:P ratio of 2.8:1. Make sure to buy dandelion greens and flowers for consumption, or grow your own. Don’t collect any from outside, as they might have been sprayed with pesticides.
Can uromastyx eat eggplant?
No, your uromastyx must not eat any eggplant, as it’s toxic. Avoid.
Can uromastyx eat fruit?
Yes, uromastyx can eat fruit, but only 5% of the diet should consist of fruit (can offer some once in 7-10 days). Fruits are generally low in calcium (expect for papaya) and high in sugar. Papaya, mango, cantaloupe and apples are top fruits to offer uromastyx.
Can uromastyx eat grapes?
While you can rarely offer peeled grapes to uromastyx, it’s not recommended. Grapes are thought to cause liver and kidney damage over time.

Can uromastyx eat green beans?
Yes, uromastyx can eat green beans, but only in moderation around once a week or less. Green beans contain phytic acid which can bind calcium.
Can uromastyx eat iceberg lettuce?
While your uromastyx can eat iceberg lettuce few times a month, it’s not recommended to feed much. That’s because iceberg lettuce is low in nutrition, so offer only when you want to provide more moisture.
Can uromastyx eat iguana pellets?
Yes, uromastyx can eat iguana pellets occasionally to diversify the diet and help with growth. Only offer on top of the main diet, once in 10 days or so. You can also offer other commercial vegetarian food, such as Repashy veggie burger like this. Whatever commercial food you buy, make sure it doesn’t contain any insects or animal protein.
Can uromastyx eat insects?
No, uromastyx should not eat any insects. Uromastyx are designed to eat vegetation only, and high amounts of protein (especially animal protein), will cause liver and kidney issues.
Can uromastyx eat kale?
Yes, uromastyx can eat kale. Kale is moderate in goitrogens, and high in calcium (Ca:P ratio of 2.4:1). You can offer kale to your uromastyx around once a week.
Can uromastyx eat lentils?
Yes, uromastyx can eat lentils – in fact most uromastyx love lentils a lot! Split lentils can be offered to uromastyx older than 4 months old, sprouted lentils – to uromastyx of all ages. For younger uromastyx, you can sprinkle the food with lentil dust. Offer lentils only 1-2 times a week, as it’s high in protein and in phosphorus (Ca:P – 1:6-8).
Can uromastyx eat mushrooms?
No, uromastyx can’t eat mushrooms. Mushrooms have thick cell walls and most can have an ill-effect on your pet lizard, so avoid altogether.
Can uromastyx eat mangoes?
Yes, uromastyx can eat mangoes within a 5% fruit allowance. Mangoes are one of the best fruits that you can offer due to low oxalates/goitrogens – with Ca:P ratio of 1:1.
Can uromastyx eat mealworms?
No, uromastyx must not eat any insects, including mealworms. Uromastyx are vegetarian and lots of animal protein and fat will cause liver and kidney issues. Mealworms also have a thick exoskeleton (shell).
Can uromastyx eat mint?
Yes, uromastyx can eat mint. Mint is a great herb that you can add to salads. Add small amounts to salads – it can also entice your uromastyx to eat. Ca:P ratio is 3.3:1, but low in general nutrition.
Can uromastyx eat millet?
While uromastyx can eat millet, it’s not the best food for them. Millet seeds are high in phosphorus and carbohydrates. While millet can be included in a mix of seeds, but better seed options are hemp, pumpkin, flax, sesame and others. Offer seeds on top of salads, or 1-2 times a week (as they are high in fat).
Can uromastyx eat mustard greens?
Yes, uromastyx can eat mustard greens and they are one of the best staple foods that you can offer. Mustard greens are high in calcium, with Ca:P ratio of around 2.4:1.
Can uromastyx eat pine nuts?
While your uromastyx can eat pine nuts, make sure to limit the consumption. Pine nuts are extremely high in fat and you should offer them in a mix of seeds in very limited quantities.
Can uromastyx eat oranges?
No, uromastyx must not eat oranges. Please avoid feeding any citrus fruits to your uromastyx, as they are acidic and can cause serious digestive issues.
Can uromastyx eat pumpkin seeds?
Yes, uromastyx can eat pumpkin seeds, but make sure they are mixed with other types of seeds. Offer a mix of seeds once-twice a week. Seeds are high in fat and some are high in phosphorus and protein, and also lack moisture.
Can uromastyx eat pumpkin?

Yes, uromastyx can eat pumpkin, but only few times a week (Ca:P ratio of 1:2), as high amounts can cause diarrhea. Squash is a much better option – butternut and spaghetti squash are close to staple foods.
Can uromastyx eat parsley?
While parsley is high in calcium (Ca:P ratio of 2.4:1), it’s very high in oxalates. You can rarely offer some parsley with a salad, or better – replace with fresh basil, coriander, mint, oregano, rosemary.
Can uromastyx eat peas?
Yes, uromastyx can eat peas. Peas are rather low in calcium (Ca:P ratio of 1:1.2), so offer 1-2 times a week with a salad.
Can uromastyx eat pomegranate seeds?
While uromastyx can eat pomegranate, those seeds can cause impaction in some cases – such as with high consumption, in babies or dehydrated animals. Better to avoid or remove seeds. High phosphorus (Ca:P ratio of 1:3.5).
Can uromastyx eat pineapple?
No, avoid feeding any pineapple to your uromastyx. Pineapple is very acidic, so better not to feed to prevent any digestive issues.
Can uromastyx eat pinto beans?
Yes, uromastyx can eat pinto beans 1-2 times a week. Offer canned pinto beans, which tend to contain less phosphorus.
Can uromastyx eat romaine lettuce?
Lettuce is not nutritional food for uromastyx, so only offer few pieces once in 7-14 days, in small amounts for extra moisture. Big amounts can also cause diarrhea.
Can uromastyx eat raspberries?
Yes, uromastyx can eat raspberries, but only rarely. Raspberries are high in both goitrogens and oxalates, with Ca:P ratio of 1:1.2.
Can uromastyx eat spinach?
While uromastyx can eat spinach, make sure to offer very rarely. Spinach is very high in oxalic acid and high in goitrogens. Offer up to few times a month or less.
Can uromastyx eat sunflower seeds?
While uromastyx can eat sunflower seeds, the sharp part might cause internal injuries. If offering any sunflower seeds, make sure they are without a shell and and to be extra careful – break the sharp tip off. You can offer sunflower seeds as a part of seed mix once a week or so.
Can uromastyx eat strawberries?
Yes, uromastyx can eat strawberries within 5% of the diet. However, strawberries are rather high in goitrogens, and have a Ca:P ratio of 1:1.4.
Can uromastyx eat Swiss chard?
Yes, uromastyx can eat swiss chard, but very rarely. That’s because swiss chard is very high in oxalates. Offer in small quantities once in 3-4 weeks.
Can uromastyx eat tomatoes?
No, your uromastyx should not eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are acidic and high in phosphorus. Also, tomato leaves are toxic.
Can uromastyx eat watercress?
Yes, uromastyx can eat watercress frequently, few times a week. Watercress is moderate in oxalates, but has an optimal Ca:P ratio is 2:1.
Can uromastyx eat watermelon?
It’s better not to offer any watermelon to your uromastyx. Watermelon is high in sugar, rather low in nutrition and calcium, and can cause diarrhea.
Can uromastyx eat worms?
No, uromastyx should not eat any worms or other live bugs. Consumption of animal protein will cause liver and kidney issues in uromastyx rather quickly and shorten your pet’s lifespan.
If you would like to learn more about uromastyx diet, and find a bigger list of foods, see this post. You can also find tables of staple, occasional and bad foods with Ca:P ratios here.