In this post, you will find a big list of foods that blue tongue skinks can and cannot eat, and the reasons why. So, what can blue tongue skink eat and not eat? Let’s find out.
Before starting, let’s discuss few terms:
Goitrogenic: foods high in goitrogens will bind iodine and cause thyroid issue long-term.
Oxalic foods: foods high in oxalates that bind calcium and remove it from the body, long-term causing calcium deficiencies.
Foods high in phosphorus also bind calcium, leading to deficiencies long-term. Ca:P ratio in the diet is very important, and should be at least 2:1.
Can blue tongue skinks eat apples?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat apples. Apples are one of staple fruits, that should make up 5-10% of a skink’s diet.
Can blue tongue skinks eat arugula?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat arugula as a staple, as it has an optimal Ca:P ratio of 3.2:1.
Can blue tongue skinks eat asparagus?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat asparagus occasionally (not a staple). To feed, cut off the bottom and flowery top, chop into pieces.
Can blue tongue skinks eat avocado?
No, blue tongue skinks can’t eat avocado. Avocado contains a compound called persin, that is toxic to birds and potentially lizards.
Can blue tongue skinks eat applesauce?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat applesauce, especially when constipated or having digestive upsets. A little bit of applesauce can also be used to dip meat if your blue tongue is not interested in it.
Make sure that applesauce is free of preservatives, corn syrup, sweeteners or even added sugar. Choose only unsweetened applesauce or make your own.
Can blue tongue skinks eat blueberries?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat blueberries, but only occasionally. This is because blueberries are high in oxalates.
Can blue tongue skinks eat bananas?
In general, you should avoid feeding bananas to your blue tongue skink. This is because bananas are high in sugar and phosphorus, which binds calcium and removes it from the body. Offer a very small piece once a month or less.
Can blue tongue skinks eat bell pepper?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat green, red or yellow bell peppers (also called capsicum) occasionally. Red bell peppers contain higher vitamin A and C levels.
Can blue tongue skinks eat butternut squash?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat butternut squash. Butternut squash is actually on of the staple foods for blue tongue skinks. Offer raw and grated or chopped into small pieces.
Can blue tongue skinks eat carrots?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat carrots and carrot tops (raw), but only from time to time. This is because carrots and carrot tops are quite high in oxalates.
Can blue tongue skinks eat cauliflower?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat cauliflower (raw), but only rarely. This is because cauliflower is quite high in goitrogens.
Can blue tongue skinks eat celery?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat raw celery stalks, but only occasionally. This is because celery is high in oxalates.
Can blue tongue skinks eat cherries?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat cherries, but only occasionally. This is because cherries are goitrogenic (bind iodine). Cherries should be included in a 5% fruit allowance.
Can blue tongue skinks eat cilantro (coriander)?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat cilantro, also called coriander (herbs and not seeds!). Add some chopped cilantro in your blue tongue’s food for extra flavor and enticement.
Can blue tongue skinks eat crickets?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat crickets. Crickets should be live, gut-loaded and dusted with supplements (calcium or multivitamin on separate days).
Can blue tongue skinks eat raw or cooked chicken?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat lean chicken. But you should avoid feeding raw chicken, as it poses a big risk of contamination. Cooked lean chicken breast is the best, offer only occasionally on top insects, to diversify the diet.
Can blue tongue skinks eat corn?
No, blue tongue skinks should not be eating corn. This is because corn is very high in phosphorus (with Ca:P ratio of 1:13), and it will bind calcium and remove it from the body.
Can blue tongue skinks eat cat food?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat cat food, but dog food is more suitable. Cat foods are often higher in protein than dog foods. You can offer cat food to baby skinks under 5 months, sick and skinny skinks.
But once your blue tongue skink turns around 5 months old, switch to dog food. Both cat/dog food should be offered only occasionally (feed mainly live bugs for protein).
Can blue tongue skinks eat cabbage?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat cabbage, but only occasionally. This is because cabbage is quite goitrogenic. Mix small quantities with other vegetables and greens.
Can blue tongue skinks eat cranberries?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat cranberries. Cranberries should be a part of 10% fruit allowance.
Can blue tongue skinks eat cucumbers?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat cucumbers, but only small amounts and mainly for a water source (it’s poor in nutrients). Too much will cause runny poop.

Can blue tongue skinks eat dandelions?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat dandelions. In fact, dandelions are very high in calcium (Ca:P ratio of 2.8:1), so you can offer dandelion leaves and flowers as a staple. Make sure they haven’t been sprayed with anything and suitable for consumption.
Can blue tongue skinks eat dog food?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat dog food (live gut-loaded bugs are main for protein though). Wet dog food is good to provide protein, veggies and some vitamins + minerals to your blue tongue.
Please note that you should only use premium dog food, and offer only occasionally. Don’t feed any dry dog food.
You can read about choosing the best dog food here.
Can blue tongue skinks eat Dubia roaches?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat Dubia roaches. Dubias are good sized bugs and rather easy to keep, and they cannot climb. You must gut-load and supplement Dubias before feeding.
Can blue tongue skinks eat duck?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat duck. But make sure to choose lean pieces, mainly breast, and cook it before offering. Meat is secondary option to bugs for protein and should be offered only occasionally.
Can blue tongue skinks eat earthworms?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat earthworms. But make sure that you buy earthworms for reptiles, and not for bait, and also don’t collect from your garden. Earthworms for bait are grown in poor conditions, and ones from outside are exposed to toxins and can carry parasites.
Can blue tongue skinks eat eggs?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat eggs. However, only offer eggs once a month as a treat- eggs are high in fat and cholesterol. You can offer raw or cooked (scrambled, hard boiled) eggs, but don’t use any oils or seasonings.
Avoid offering egg shells, as they are sharp and can scratch your skink’s mouth or digestive system.
Can blue tongue skinks eat fish?
No, your blue tongue skink shouldn’t be eating fish. This is because fish is high in salt and fat, which is not good for skinks. Also, fish can carry parasites and have a high heavy metal load, which over time will cause serious negative effects to your blue tongue’s health.
Can blue tongue skinks eat fruit?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat fruit. Fruits should make up around 5-10% of your skink’s diet (some fruits and berries need to be limited).
Can blue tongue skinks eat grapes?
Yes, you can feed your blue tongue skink peeled grapes, but very rarely. Grapes and raisins are however believed to cause organ damage in reptiles, so you might avoid them altogether.
Can blue tongue skinks eat green beans?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat green beans occasionally. With Ca:P ratio of only 1:1, mix with other higher calcium veggies and greens when offering.
Can blue tongue skinks eat grasshoppers?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat grasshoppers. But make sure they are sold for reptile consumption, and don’t collect any from outside. Lubber grasshoppers are toxic.
Can blue tongue skinks eat hornworms?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat hornworms. Hornworms have a soft exoskeleton, and are fairly nutritious. Make sure to gut-load them before offering. Many hornworms for sale come in a cup with the feed for gut-loading, like this.
Can blue tongue skinks eat ham?
No, blue tongue skinks should not be eating ham. Ham, lunch meat or deli is all processed meat, which has a lot of added salt and preservatives. Stay away, and offer cooked meat instead.
Can blue tongue skinks eat hay?
It would not be advisable to offer blue tongue skink any hay (orchard, timothy etc.). Alfalfa hay is actually a legume. While hay is high in protein, it’s also dehydrated.
This can cause issues with digestion, and might expand in guts or mouth and cause impaction. You can add some fresh alfalfa to salads for a protein and fiber source (not dried or sprouts).
Can blue tongue skinks eat insects?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat insects. Insects such as hornworms, Phoenix worms, crickets, silkworms and others should be the main source of protein for blue tongue skinks. All insects must be bought for reptile consumption and gut-loaded for 24 hours (apart from Phoenix worms) before feeding to your skink.
Can blue tongue skinks eat kale?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat kale. Kale has been labelled a bad food for reptiles for a long time, but recent studies show that kale is not as high in oxalates as previously thought. You can offer kale occasionally.
Can blue tongue skinks eat kiwi?
You should avoid feeding your blue tongue skink any kiwi. This is because kiwi is very high in oxalates, so offer very rarely or avoid altogether.
Can blue tongue skinks eat lettuce?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat lettuce, but only small amounts mixed in a salad, and mainly for water. Lettuce of all types is low in nutrition, and too much can also cause diarrhea. Romaine lettuce is the most nutritious of all lettuces.
Can blue tongue skinks eat mushrooms?
No, your blue tongue skink shouldn’t be eating mushrooms. This is because there are many mushrooms that are potentially toxic to reptiles.
Can blue tongue skinks eat mango?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat mango fruit. Mango is actually one of the staple fruits that you can offer your blue tongue skink within 10% of its fruit allowance.
Can blue tongue skinks eat mealworms?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat mealworms, but not as a staple. Mealworms have harder exoskeleton and are quite fatty, so limit the consumption.
Can blue tongue skinks eat mint?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat some mint leaves mixed in a salad. You can mix mint leaves with other veggies and greens to entice your blue tongue skink to eat and to add flavor.
Can blue tongue skinks eat mustard greens?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat mustard greens as a staple. Mustard greens have an ideal Ca:P ratio of 2.4:1, and are high in vitamins and minerals. Cut the stems off before chopping to small pieces and offering to your skink.
Can blue tongue skinks eat mice?
Yes, your blue tongue skink can eat mice, but only once or twice a month as a treat. This is because they are hard to digest and fatty. Only offer pinky (also called neonate or fuzzy) mice or rats, and preferably only to skinny skinks.
Can blue tongue skinks eat nuts?
No, your blue tongue skink must not eat nuts. This is because nuts are very high in fat and phosphorus, so avoid altogether.
Can blue tongue skinks eat oranges?
No, blue tongue skinks must not eat oranges. In fact, avoid any citrus fruit such as lemons, limes, clementine, tangerines, kumquats and else. Citrus fruit will cause serious digestive upsets and diarrhea in your blue tongue skink.
Can blue tongue skinks eat pasta?
No, you should not offer pasta to your blue tongue skink. Pasta is not natural food for skinks, and is too high in carbohydrates.
Can blue tongue skinks eat peaches?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat peaches, but rarely. This is because peaches are high in goitrogens.
Can blue tongue skinks eat potatoes?
No, your blue tongue skink should not eat much or any potatoes (sweet or Russet). This is because blue tongue skinks have trouble digesting carbohydrates. Potatoes are starchy, high in phosphorus and need cooking.
Can blue tongue skinks eat papaya?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat papaya. Papaya is one of the best staple fruits that is also high in calcium (Ca:P ratio is 5:1!), so feed often within 10% of fruit allowance.
Can blue tongue skinks eat parsley?
No, your blue tongue skink should not eat much if any parsley. This is because parsley is high in oxalates – offer rarely if at all.
Can blue tongue skinks eat peanut butter?
No, your blue tongue skink must not eat peanut butter. This is because peanut butter is very high in fat and sugar, sometimes has added salt and can contain preservatives.
Can blue tongue skinks eat pears?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat pears, but very rarely. That’s because they are high in oxalates and moderate in goitrogens (Asian, Conference, Bosc etc.).
Can blue tongue skinks eat plums?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat plums, but rarely. That’s because they are high in goitrogens.
Can blue tongue skinks eat pumpkin?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat pumpkin. Pumpkin acts as a natural laxative, so offer in moderation. Don’t forget to remove seeds, and offer raw.

Can blue tongue skinks eat raspberries?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat raspberries, but only rarely, because they are high in both oxalates and goitrogens.
Can blue tongue skinks eat raw meat?
No, blue tongue skinks should not eat raw meat such as chicken, turkey etc. This is because raw meat poses a big risk of contamination.
Can blue tongue skinks eat tuna?
No, blue tongue skinks should not eat tuna. Tuna is not a natural food for blue tongue skinks, but is also high in fat, salt and can contain heavy metals such as mercury.
Can blue tongue skinks eat tomatoes?
No, blue tongue skinks should not eat tomatoes. This is because tomatoes are very acidic and high in phosphorus.
Can blue tongue skinks eat turkey?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat turkey. Turkey is lean meat, but make sure to cook turkey meat and offer only occasionally.
Can blue tongue skinks eat watermelon?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat watermelon, but only in small quantities and rarely. This is because too much watermelon will cause runny stools, and it’s not very nutritious either.
Can blue tongue skinks eat yogurt?
No, blue tongue skinks should not eat yogurt. Reptiles have trouble digesting dairy products, so avoid. Dairy-free soy yogurt is rarely offered to sick reptiles with parasitic infections to help restore gut flora.
Can blue tongue skinks eat zucchini?
Yes, blue tongue skinks can eat zucchini (courgettes), but rarely. Zucchini is very high in phosphorus (1:4.5) and needs balancing out with high calcium greens and vegetables.
If you would like to learn about best veggies, greens, fruits and plants to feed your blue tongue skink, please read this post.