Bearded dragons are curious eaters, and love diversity in their diet. But what can bearded dragons eat and what not to feed bearded dragons? In this post, you will find a big list of various foods (over 350!) that your bearded dragon can eat and cannot eat.
You will find all the foods that you might think about feeding to your bearded dragon. The sections are divided by letters and you press on any of the searches to find the answer (it will jump to the answer).
You can use Ctrl + F (or Command + F on Mac) to look for your keywords in the text on computer.
Before reading this post, please note the following:
- Don’t offer any wild caught bugs or worms as they will carry parasites and pesticides. If you want to feed a safe bug, start the colony and feed the new generation.
- Same goes with wild flowers – make sure they are not sprayed with anything before offering. Only these chemicals will make your dragon sick.
- Ca:P ratio is very important in your dragon’s diet – it must be 2:1 or up to 3:1. If Phosphorus levels in the food are higher, balance out with higher calcium food.
- You will see some foods that you should offer occasionally, for example once in two weeks. Unless the veggies/fruits are too high in goitrogens or oxalates, you can offer them more often in smaller quantities. Diversify the diet and mix the staples with a little bit of occasional foods.
You can click on any food that you wish and it will take you to the answer. Everything is in alphabetical order.
Can bearded dragons eat acorn squash
Can bearded dragons eat African land snails
Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa plant
Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa sprouts
Can bearded dragons eat almond butter
Can bearded dragons eat almonds
Can bearded dragons eat Aloe Vera
Can bearded dragons eat aphids
Can bearded dragons eat Apollo lettuce
Can bearded dragons eat apple skin
Can bearded dragons eat apples
Can bearded dragons eat applesauce
Can bearded dragons eat apricots
Can bearded dragons eat artichokes
Can bearded dragons eat Artisan lettuce
Can bearded dragons eat arugula
Can bearded dragons eat Asian pears
Can bearded dragons eat asparagus
Can bearded dragons eat aubergine (eggplant)
Can bearded dragons eat avocado
Can bearded dragons eat azaleas
Can bearded dragons eat baby food
Can bearded dragons eat baby leaf salad
Can bearded dragons eat baby mice
Can bearded dragons eat baby tears
Can bearded dragons eat bamboo shoots
Can bearded dragons eat banana
Can bearded dragons eat bay leaves
Can bearded dragons eat bean sprouts (Mung bean sprouts)
Can bearded dragons eat beet greens
Can bearded dragons eat beetroot
Can bearded dragons eat bell peppers
Can bearded dragons eat bird seeds
Can bearded dragons eat biscuits
Can bearded dragons eat blackberries
Can bearded dragons eat boiled chicken
Can bearded dragons eat boiled eggs
Can bearded dragons eat bok choy
Can bearded dragons eat bologna
Can bearded dragons eat Bonsai trees
Can bearded dragons eat box elder bugs
Can bearded dragons eat broccoli
Can bearded dragons eat buffalo worms
Can bearded dragons eat butter
Can bearded dragons eat butter lettuce
can bearded dragons eat buttercups
Can bearded dragons eat butterflies
Can bearded dragons eat cabbage (green, red)
Can bearded dragons eat cantaloupe
Can bearded dragons eat carrots
Can bearded dragons eat cat food
Can bearded dragons eat catnip
Can bearded dragons eat cauliflower
Can bearded dragons eat Cavolo nero
Can bearded dragons eat celery
Can bearded dragons eat centipedes
Can bearded dragons eat cereal
Can bearded dragons eat cheese
Can bearded dragons eat cherries
Can bearded dragons eat chives
Can bearded dragons eat cicadas
Can bearded dragons eat cilantro (coriander)
Can bearded dragons eat cinnamon
Can bearded dragons eat clover
Can bearded dragons eat cockroaches
Can bearded dragons eat coconut
Can bearded dragons eat cooked rice
Can bearded dragons eat courgette (zucchini)
Can bearded dragons eat cucumber leaves, seeds, skin
Can bearded dragons eat curly kale
Can bearded dragons eat curly mustard
Can bearded dragons eat cuttlefish
Can bearded dragons eat dandelion leaves
Can bearded dragons eat dead insects
Can bearded dragons eat dead nettle
Can bearded dragons eat deli meat
Can bearded dragons eat dew worms (earthworms)
Can bearded dragons eat dill pickles
Can bearded dragons eat discoid roaches
Can bearded dragons eat dock leaves
Can bearded dragons eat dog food
Can bearded dragons eat Doritos
Can bearded dragons eat dried fruit
Can bearded dragons eat dried mealworms
Can bearded dragons eat Dubia roaches
Can bearded dragons eat earthworms
Can bearded dragons eat earwigs
Can bearded dragons eat eastern lubber grasshoppers
Can bearded dragons eat Echeveria
Can bearded dragons eat Edamame
Can bearded dragons eat edible flowers
Can bearded dragons eat egg yolk
Can bearded dragons eat eggplant
can bearded dragons eat eggshells
Can bearded dragons eat Elephant Bush
Can bearded dragons eat endive
Can bearded dragons eat Eucalyptus
Can bearded dragons eat feeder fish
Can bearded dragons eat feeder guppies
Can bearded dragons eat feeder lizards
Can bearded dragons eat fennel
Can bearded dragons eat flat leaf parsley
Can bearded dragons eat Fluker’s cricket quencher
Can bearded dragons eat Frisee
Can bearded dragons eat frozen vegetables
Can bearded dragons eat full grown mice
Can bearded dragons eat fuzzies
Can bearded dragons eat Garbanzo beans
Can bearded dragons eat garden peas
Can bearded dragons eat garden worms
Can bearded dragons eat gardenias
Can bearded dragons eat garlic
Can bearded dragons eat garlic chives
Can bearded dragons eat Gem lettuce
Can bearded dragons eat Goji berries
Can bearded dragons eat goldfish
Can bearded dragons eat Granny Smith apples
Can bearded dragons eat grapefruit
can bearded dragons eat grapes
Can bearded dragons eat grasshoppers
Can bearded dragons eat green Batavia (Buttherhead)
Can bearded dragons eat green beans
Can bearded dragons eat guacamole
Can bearded dragons eat gummy bears
Can bearded dragons eat guppies
Can bearded dragons eat Halo oranges
Can bearded dragons eat hamburgers
Can bearded dragons eat harvester ants
Can bearded dragons eat hens and chicks
Can bearded dragons eat hibiscus
Can bearded dragons eat hissing cockroaches
Can bearded dragons eat honeydew melon
Can bearded dragons eat honeysuckle
Can bearded dragons eat hostas
Can bearded dragons eat hot dog
Can bearded dragons eat house spiders
Can bearded dragons eat hummus
Can bearded dragons eat ice cream
Can bearded dragons eat iceberg lettuce
Can bearded dragons eat impatiens
Can bearded dragons eat iris flowers
Can bearded dragons eat isopods
Can bearded dragons eat Italian parsley
Can bearded dragons eat jalapenos
Can bearded dragons eat Japanese beetles
Can bearded dragons eat jicama
Can bearded dragons eat June bugs
Can bearded dragons eat kai lan
Can bearded dragons eat kidney beans
Can bearded dragons eat king worms
Can bearded dragons eat kiwi seeds, skin
Can bearded dragons eat kohlrabi
Can bearded dragons eat kumquats
Can bearded dragons eat Lacinato kale
Can bearded dragons eat ladybugs
Can bearded dragons eat lambs lettuce
Can bearded dragons eat lavender
Can bearded dragons eat lemon balm
Can bearded dragons eat lemons
Can bearded dragons eat lightning bugs
Can bearded dragons eat lilies
Can bearded dragons eat Lima beans
Can bearded dragons eat little gem lettuce
Can bearded dragons eat live fish
Can bearded dragons eat lobster roaches
Can bearded dragons eat lubber grasshoppers
Can bearded dragons eat lychee
Can bearded dragons eat mangetout
Can bearded dragons eat marigolds
Can bearded dragons eat mashed potatoes
Can bearded dragons eat mealworm beetles
Can bearded dragons eat mealworm pupa
Can bearded dragons eat mealworms
Can bearded dragons eat monarch caterpillars
Can bearded dragons eat morio worms
Can bearded dragons eat morning glories
Can bearded dragons eat mosquitoes
Can bearded dragons eat mulberry leaves
Can bearded dragons eat mushrooms
Can bearded dragons eat mustard greens
Can bearded dragons eat Napa cabbage
Can bearded dragons eat nasturtium
Can bearded dragons eat nectarines
Can bearded dragons eat nettles
Can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers
Can bearded dragons eat Nopales
Can bearded dragons eat NutriGrubs
Can bearded dragons eat oak leaves
Can bearded dragons eat olives
Can bearded dragons eat onions
Can bearded dragons eat orange head roaches
Can bearded dragons eat oranges
Can bearded dragons eat orange peppers
Can bearded dragons eat oregano
Can bearded dragons eat pak choi
Can bearded dragons eat Pangea
Can bearded dragons eat pansies
Can bearded dragons eat papaya
Can bearded dragons eat parsley
Can bearded dragons eat parsnips
Can bearded dragons eat pea pods
Can bearded dragons eat peaches
Can bearded dragons eat peanut butter
Can bearded dragons eat petunias
Can bearded dragons eat philodendron
Can bearded dragons eat Phoenix worms
Can bearded dragons eat pine needles
Can bearded dragons eat pineapple
Can bearded dragons eat pinkies
Can bearded dragons eat pinto beans
Can bearded dragons eat plum tomatoes
Can bearded dragons eat pomegranate seeds
Can bearded dragons eat popcorn
Can bearded dragons eat potatoes
Can bearded dragons eat pothos
Can bearded dragons eat prawns
Can bearded dragons eat prickly pear
Can bearded dragons eat prunes
Can bearded dragons eat pumpkin
Can bearded dragons eat purple cabbage
Can bearded dragons eat purple clover
Can bearded dragons eat purple grapes
Can bearded dragons eat purple onion
Can bearded dragons eat quail eggs
Can bearded dragons eat radicchio
Can bearded dragons eat radishes
Can bearded dragons eat raisins
Can bearded dragons eat rapini
Can bearded dragons eat raspberries
Can bearded dragons eat raw cauliflower
Can bearded dragons eat raw squash
Can bearded dragons eat red onions
Can bearded dragons eat red peppers
Can bearded dragons eat rocket
Can bearded dragons eat rockmelon
Can bearded dragons eat rosemary
Can bearded dragons eat salami
Can bearded dragons eat satsumas
Can bearded dragons eat savoy cabbage
Can bearded dragons eat shallots
Can bearded dragons eat silkworms and silkworm moths
Can bearded dragons eat silverbeet
Can bearded dragons eat snapdragons
Can bearded dragons eat snow peas
Can bearded dragons eat sorrel
Can bearded dragons eat spaghetti
Can bearded dragons eat spiders
Can bearded dragons eat spinach
Can bearded dragons eat spring onion
Can bearded dragons eat squash
Can bearded dragons eat steamed vegetables
Can bearded dragons eat stinging nettles
Can bearded dragons eat strawberries
Can bearded dragons eat sugar snap peas
Can bearded dragons eat sultanas
Can bearded dragons eat summer squash
Can bearded dragons eat sunflower leaves
Can bearded dragons eat superworms
Can bearded dragons eat sweet potato
Can bearded dragons eat sweetcorn
Can bearded dragons eat tangerines
Can bearded dragons eat tiger lilies
Can bearded dragons eat tomato worms
Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes
Can bearded dragons eat tropical spotted roaches
Can bearded dragons eat tulips
Can bearded dragons eat turnip greens
Can bearded dragons eat unsweetened applesauce
Can bearded dragons eat vinegar
Can bearded dragons eat Vita sand
Can bearded dragons eat walnuts
Can bearded dragons eat wandering jew
Can bearded dragons eat watercress
Can bearded dragons eat watermelon
Can bearded dragons eat wax worms
Can bearded dragons eat wet cat or dog food
Can bearded dragons eat white cabbage (green cabbage)
Can bearded dragons eat woodlice
Can bearded dragons eat yellow jackets
Can bearded dragons eat yogurt
Can bearded dragons eat zucchini
Now, let’s see the answers:
Can bearded dragons eat acorn squash
Yes, bearded dragons can eat acorn squash and it’s a staple vegetable to feed (can offer every day). When feeding, make sure to grate or cut to small pieces – you can feed it either raw (better and more nutritious) or cooked.
Can bearded dragons eat African land snails
Bearded dragons don’t naturally eat African land snails in the wild, so it would be better not to offer them. They can be only offered as a delicacy less than once a week – and have to be baby snails only.
The shell of the baby African land snail should be soft and less than 3-4 mm, but even better – peeled off. Also, they must also be grown in clean conditions and gut-loaded for 24 hours.
Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa plant
Alfalfa plant is more nutritious to your bearded dragon than alfalfa sprouts – you can offer alfalfa plant for good calcium and fiber source. You can offer alfalfa every day or every other day – mix with salads.
Choose alfalfa that is still green and not dry (pellets). That is because bearded dragon is not likely to eat dry pellets. And they won’t have proper water content, either. Also, make sure that alfalfa plant is organic.
You can even get your own organic seeds and grow it at home using a sprouter like this.
Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa sprouts
You can offer your bearded dragon alfalfa sprouts occasionally – less than once a week. Not every bearded dragon will love the taste, but you can try. Only add some alfalfa sprouts in the salad.
Can bearded dragons eat almond butter
No, don’t feed almond butter to your bearded dragon. Almond butter would have too much sugar in it, which is unhealthy for your dragon. It also contains too many calories (mainly fat) and is nutritionally unbalanced for your bearded dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat almonds
No, don’t feed your bearded dragon any almonds. Almonds are high in fat and are nutritionally unbalanced (too much phosphorus compared to calcium). You shouldn’t offer any nuts to your bearded dragon – it can cause choking, impaction and indigestion.
Can bearded dragons eat Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is non-toxic for bearded dragons, but you shouldn’t offer it as food. You can use Aloe Vera live plant in the tank as they are easy to grow. But don’t feed Aloe Vera to your dragon.
Aloe Vera wouldn’t have the best taste, would need peeling, and still contains natural laxative (under the skin) that can cause digestive upsets.
Can bearded dragons eat ants
No, you cannot feed ants to your bearded dragon. Even though bearded dragons do eat ants in the wild, some ant species can be toxic to your dragon. Also, they would be too small to feed to your dragon.
If your bearded dragon has accidentally ingested some, it should be fine. Fire ants can sting and are toxic (!), and carpenter ant, for example, can bite and spray acid to protect itself.
Can bearded dragons eat aphids
Please don’t feed any aphids to your bearded dragon, as wild bugs come in contact and contain pesticides and parasites. Aphids would be also too small to make a meal for your dragon anyways.
Can bearded dragons eat Apollo lettuce
Yes, bearded dragons can eat Apollo lettuce, but you should avoid feeding much of it. This is because Apollo lettuce is not highly nutritious for your dragon. So offer only a little bit, once in 10-14 days or so and mainly for extra water intake.
Can bearded dragons eat apple skin
No, you shouldn’t offer apple skin to your bearded dragon. Please remove apple skin before offering apples. That’s because the apple skin is hard to digest.
Can bearded dragons eat apples
Yes, bearded dragons can eat apples. Please peel the skin and cut into bite size pieces. Only offer apples as a treat – too much of apples can cause runny stools.
Can bearded dragons eat applesauce
Yes, bearded dragons can eat applesauce if constipated. However, applesauce should not contain any corn syrup, preservatives or added sugar.
Only offer unsweetened applesauce, and only if your bearded dragon is constipated or has digestive issues. Otherwise, offer normal apples. You can probably find natural applesauce in the baby food section, but still check the labels. Or make your own.
Can bearded dragons eat apricots
Yes, you can offer apricots to your bearded dragon. But once again, remember that fruit should be offered only occasionally (less than once a week), because they are high in sugar and not very nutritionally balanced.
Dried apricots might be too hard for your dragon to eat. They also contain more sugar than fresh fruit. Also, they are high in oxalates and can cause abdominal discomfort. So avoid them if you and offer fresh ones instead.
Can bearded dragons eat artichokes
Yes, bearded dragons can eat artichokes. Offer only artichoke hearts that are cut to small bite pieces and raw. Mix in the salad. Don’t offer artichoke leaves. Artichoke hearts are an occasional food, not the staple.
Can bearded dragons eat Artisan lettuce
Artisan lettuce is often a mix of various types of lettuces. While your bearded dragon can eat Artisan lettuce, you need to make sure which types of lettuce are in the mix. For example, Endive and Escarole are staples, while Romaine lettuce shouldn’t be offered much due to poor nutritional content.
Can bearded dragons eat arugula
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat arugula (also called rocket salad). Arugula has a good Ca:P ratio (3:1) and is high in vitamin A. You can offer fresh and raw arugula few times a week.
Can bearded dragons eat Asian pears
Bearded dragons can eat Asian pears, but very rarely. Asian pears have unbalanced Ca:P ratios (1:2.8) and are high in sugars. Don’t offer often – only once in 2-3 weeks. Moderate in oxalates.
Can bearded dragons eat asparagus
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat asparagus. However, asparagus is not a staple food, so let your dragon eat it maybe once a week. Remove the flowery top, break some of the bottom off, and cut into small bite pieces. Don’t cook.
Can bearded dragons eat aubergine (eggplant)
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat aubergines (eggplants). Eggplants are potentially toxic to your bearded dragon, so avoid completely.
Can bearded dragons eat avocado
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat avocados. Avocados are potentially toxic to your bearded dragon, so avoid completely.
Can bearded dragons eat azaleas
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat azaleas. Azaleas are toxic to bearded dragons!
Can bearded dragons eat baby food
Yes, you can feed your bearded dragon baby food, but you have to be careful when choosing. Only choose one vegetable purees, and make sure there is nothing added – no citric acid, sugar or anything else.
Only choose staple vegetable baby food – such as squash (acorn, spaghetti, Hubbard, butternut, summer). Other choices for only occasional feeding would be carrot or parsnip purees. Also, fruit baby food should also be offered rarely.
Some owners only offer baby food when their dragon is having digestive issues (constipation for example), is sick or refusing to eat. Therefore, try to stick to fresh vegetables more, and offer baby food if your bearded dragon is experiencing issues.
Can bearded dragons eat baby leaf salad
Baby leaf salad is often a mix of few different types of greens – usually chard, spinach and baby red/green lettuce. While your bearded dragon can eat the baby leaf salad, lettuce is not nutritious enough for dragons.
Also, because all the types of lettuce are mixed, it can be hard to calculate the nutrition. Try to avoid offering lettuce at all and only add small bits for extra water intake maybe once a week or so.
Can bearded dragons eat baby mice
Bearded dragons can eat baby mice (also called fuzzy mice), but it’s very unnatural for dragons to eat mice. In general, you shouldn’t feed baby mice, because they are high in fat (can cause fatty liver disease), hard to digest and can even cause choking or impaction.
You can only offer baby mice (pinky mice, without any hair). Never feed full-grown mice – they are too large and their bones will cause impaction.
A more humane way is to offer a pre-kiled mouse, which you can achieve by dislocating its neck. Make sure your dragon is 7 months or over to offer mice, and it shouldn’t be wider than the width of the head.
Also, baby mice are hard to digest, so only offer to skinny dragons to help gain weight. Don’t offer pinky mice more than once-twice a month.
Can bearded dragons eat baby tears
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat baby tears. Offer occasionally as a treat (once a week or less).
Can bearded dragons eat bacon
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat bacon. Bacon is high in salt and fat. Also, bearded dragons should not normally eat meat.
Can bearded dragons eat bamboo shoots
Bamboo shoots or leaves have not been tested for toxicity in bearded dragons. Bamboo shoots are not toxic to dogs or cats, for example. One of the bamboo types that is toxic to dogs, cats and reptiles is a Heavenly (or Sacred) Bamboo.
Can bearded dragons eat banana
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat banana, but very rarely. Bananas are high in phosphorus (1:3.5) and bind calcium in the body, not letting it absorb. Also, bananas are high in sugar and can cause digestive upsets.
Can bearded dragons eat basil
Yes, bearded dragons can eat basil. Don’t feed basil as a staple, but surely offer them as a new interesting treat mixed in the salad. Bearded dragons tend to love herbs and basil in high in vitamin A.
Can bearded dragons eat bay leaves
No, bay leaves have not been tested for toxicity in bearded dragons, so don’t feed. And on top of it, bay leaves are rather tough so could also pose a choking hazard.
Can bearded dragons eat bean sprouts (Mung bean sprouts)
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat bean sprouts, but they aren’t as nutritious as normal beans. Bean sprouts have a Ca:P ratio (1:4), while normal green beans – 1:1. Try to avoid Mung bean sprouts or add just a little to the salad few times a month.
Can bearded dragons eat beef
No, you shouldn’t feed your bearded dragon any beef. This is because beef and any other meat is high in fat and phosphorus, and will bind calcium. Meat is also high in fat and is not nutritionally balanced. Raw meat poses a risk of parasites, too.
If you wish to offer some meat, make sure to cook it (no seasonings or oil). Offer just a little as a treat and to add diversity, less than once a month. Meat should be lean.
Can bearded dragons eat bees
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat bees. While there is a big chance that nothing will happen if your bearded dragon ate a bee outside, it’s not a good idea to offer bees as a meal. Bees can sting and cause a possible allergic reaction in your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat beet greens
While your bearded dragon can eat fresh beet greens, it’s not recommended to offer any. That is because beet greens are very high in oxalates. Offer only once a month or less.
Can bearded dragons eat beetroot
While your bearded dragon can eat beetroot rarely, it would be good to avoid feeding them completely. Beetroot is very high in oxalates, so offer once a month or less, or avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat bell peppers
Yes, bearded dragons can enjoy bell peppers occasionally, once a week or less. All bell pepper colors (red, yellow, green) have similar nutrition, but red peppers are higher in vitamin A and C.
Can bearded dragons eat bird seeds
No, don’t feed your bearded dragon any bird seeds. Bird seeds can cause impaction in your bearded dragon, so avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat birds
No, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat birds. If your bearded dragon sees a baby hairless bird, it is likely to eat it. However, it will be hard to digest and can cause impaction. Large birds are predators and will scare your dragon. Never feed birds to your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat biscuits
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any biscuits. While few small bites shouldn’t do any harm, biscuits are not good for dragons. Biscuits are high in fat and sugar.
Can bearded dragons eat blackberries
Yes, bearded dragons can eat blackberries occasionally (1-2 times a week) as a treat. You can also add blackberries to a salad. Cut them in half or smaller pieces and offer fresh.
Can bearded dragons eat boiled chicken
You shouldn’t normally offer boiled chicken to your dragon. However, your bearded dragon can eat some lean cooked chicken without any seasonings once or twice a month. Offer few bites as a treat. Meat should never replace live bugs – as it’s not nutritionally balanced or easily digestible, either.
Can bearded dragons eat boiled eggs
Yes, your bearded dragons eat some boiled eggs very occasionally (once or twice a month). Make sure not to use any seasonings or oil when cooking. You can also offer scrambled eggs to your dragon. Don’t offer more than half a chicken eggs per one feeding.
You can read more about offering eggs to your bearded dragon and how to cook them here.
Can bearded dragons eat Bok Choy
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Bok Choy (also called Pak Choi or Chinese cabbage) occasionally (once in 10-14 days). Offer chopped green leaves, and the white part – finely chopped. Only offer Pak Choi to adults.
This is because Bok choi is high in goitrogens, which inhibit iodine absorption by the body, leading to thyroid issues. Therefore, feed them occasionally and mix with other greens.
Can bearded dragons eat bologna
No, don’t feed your bearded dragon any bologna sausage. Bologna is a processed food and contains too much salt and fat. Don’t feed at all.
Can bearded dragons eat Bonsai trees
No, your bearded dragon must not eat Bonsai tree leaves. Bonsai trees are miniature trees of any kind of a tree. Some Bonsai trees can be toxic to your bearded dragon. Check with each tree type, and avoid putting near your dragon at all.
Can bearded dragons eat box elder bugs
No, your bearded dragon must not eat box elder bugs at all, as they are toxic to your dragon! Don’t feed at all!
Can bearded dragons eat bread
You shouldn’t feed bread to your bearded dragon. You can only offer few bites rarely (1-2 times a month) as a treat. But best to avoid at all – unbalanced food and high carbohydrate content.
Can bearded dragons eat broccoli
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat broccoli, but very occasionally. That is because broccoli is goitrogenic, so offer only once in 10-14 days. Mix with other vegetables and offer fresh.
Can bearded dragons eat buffalo worms
Buffalo worms are also called Alphitobius diaperinus. They turn into beetles. Actually, your bearded dragon over 6 months old can eat buffalo worms as they are high in protein (around 55%).
However, give them only as treats because they are also high in fat (around 25%). Don’t feed beetles (also called cleaner crew or litter beetles).
Can bearded dragons eat butter
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat butter! Butter is pure fat, and will cause serious digestive issues. Never offer pure butter or anything fried in butter.
Can bearded dragons eat butter lettuce
Butter lettuce (or butterhead lettuce) doesn’t provide much nutritional value to your bearded dragon, so try not to feed at all or only rarely.
Too much lettuce can cause diarrhea in your dragon, and therefore loss of water. Only give a little for extra moisture from time to time (once in 2 weeks or so).
Can bearded dragons eat buttercups
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat buttercups as they are toxic to dragons! Keep away and never feed any.
Can bearded dragons eat butterflies
It can be risky feeding any butterflies to your bearded dragon, so please avoid. Some butterflies are brightly colored, potentially being toxic.
Monarch butterflies and some other species are toxic to bearded dragons. Also, butterflies can carry parasites, pesticides and other chemicals.
Can bearded dragons eat cabbage (green, red)
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat cabbage, but not as a staple. That is because cabbage is goitrogenic, and can lead to thyroid issues with regular feedings.
Red cabbage is lower in goitrogens, so your bearded dragon can eat it more often – once in 7-10 days. Offer green cabbage to your bearded dragon only once in 10-14 days. If you are in the UK, you might also find spring greens, which include young cabbage.
Can bearded dragons eat cantaloupe
Yes, your bearded dragon can occasionally eat cantaloupe. Most bearded dragons enjoy eating small pieces of cantaloupe. Offer as fruit treats – it is high in vitamin A, but has higher phosphorus content than calcium (1:1.5).
Can bearded dragons eat carrots
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat carrots, but only occasionally. Carrots are rather unbalanced in Ca:P ratio (1:1.6) and contain some oxalates.
Offer some grated carrots once in 7-10 days mixed in a salad, or more often, but smaller quantities. Also, offer fresh carrots only – cooked carrots have a much lower nutritional value.
Can bearded dragons eat cat food
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat dry or wet cat food! Cat food is too high in protein and fat and is very unbalanced for your bearded dragon. Same goes for wet dog food.
Also, bearded dragon’s digestive system is not designed to digest high amounts of meat and fat. Continuous feeding will cause fatty liver disease and kidney problems.
Can bearded dragons eat catnip
While you shouldn’t feed catnip to your bearded dragon, it shouldn’t cause any ill effects if your dragon eats a little.
Can bearded dragons eat cauliflower
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat cauliflower, but only occasionally as they are high in goitrogens. Offer chopped raw cauliflower pieces to your dragon to eat once in 10-14 days.
Can bearded dragons eat Cavolo nero
Cavolo nero, also called black cabbage or Lacinato kale, is very rich in iron. While your bearded dragon can eat Cavolo nero, it’s goitrogenic (type of kale). Offer only once in 10-14 days or more often in smaller quantities.
Can bearded dragons eat celery
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat celery stalk and leaves. Your bearded dragon can eat finely chopped raw celery once a week.
Can bearded dragons eat centipedes
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat centipedes. While most centipedes are not toxic, some of them are. Centipedes can also carry parasites and chemicals. Similarly to centipedes you might see millipedes, which are toxic for your dragon.
The main damage is when a centipede or millipede bites your dragon, injecting the toxins. If your dragon eats the centipede/millipede without being bitten, there is a high chance that it will be fine.
But if your bearded dragon has eaten a centipede/millipede, please get some activated charcoal to detoxify your dragon’s system or take it to the vet. And try to take its picture if you can. House centipedes tend to be less dangerous than wild ones.
Can bearded dragons eat cereal
No, you shouldn’t feed your bearded dragon any cereal. Cereal is full of sugar and is mostly processed. While your bearded dragon might enjoy few pieces once a month, please try to avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat chard
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat chard, but only occasionally. This is because chard (or Swiss chard) is high in oxalates. But chard is also a good source of vitamin A. Offer fresh finely chopped chard once in 10-14 days.
Can bearded dragons eat cheese
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat cheese. Reptiles cannot properly digest dairy products, so avoid altogether. It is also too high in fat.
Can bearded dragons eat cherries
Yes, bearded dragons can eat cherries occasionally as a treat. Fruits and berries, including cherries, should make up only 10% of the diet.
Can bearded dragons eat chives
No, bearded dragons can’t eat chives, as they are potentially toxic to them. Avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat cicadas
Yes, cicadas are non-toxic, so your bearded dragon can eat them. Make sure cicada is not too large for your dragon – it shouldn’t be wider than the width between the dragon’s eyes. It would be also better to wait for it to shed (resulting in a softer exoskeleton for an easier digestion).
Can bearded dragons eat cilantro (coriander)
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat cilantro (coriander). Most bearded dragons enjoy a coriander herb, so you can offer fresh cilantro once or twice a week.
Can bearded dragons eat cinnamon
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat cinnamon. Cinnamon can cause irritation in the mouth from eating, and even lung inflammation from breathing it in. If making an applesauce, skip cinnamon.
Can bearded dragons eat clover
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat clover leaves (less often flowers) as a treat.
Can bearded dragons eat cockroaches
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat certain species of cockroaches. Some cockroach species make one of the best foods for your dragon. Most roaches are easy to breed, are nutritious and large.
For example, bearded dragons can eat Dubia roaches, Discoid roaches, Madagascar hissing roaches, Turkestan roaches, Orange head and more.
Can bearded dragons eat cooked rice
Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat cooked rice as a normal part of their diet. Rice is high in phosphorus and hard to digest for bearded dragons due to high starch content. Too much phosphorus in the rice will cause imbalance of Ca:P ratios in your bearded dragon’s body.
Just a little bit of cooked rice as a treat will be fine, but very rarely if at all.
Can bearded dragons eat courgette (zucchini)
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat courgette (zucchini), but very rarely. This is because zucchini is very high in phosphorus (1:4.5). Feed once in 2 weeks and make sure to balance out the calcium level by supplementing or adding high calcium veggies.
Can bearded dragons eat cress
Yes, bearded dragons can eat salad cress. However, they are high in oxalates, so offer once in 10-14 days.
Can bearded dragons eat cucumber leaves, seeds, skin
Yes, bearded dragons can eat cucumbers, but very rarely as they are poor in nutrients. High amounts of cucumbers will cause diarrhea and stomach upsets.
Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat cucumber skin because it will cause digestion problems. As long as cucumber is peeled, your dragon can have its seeds. Don’t offer cucumber leaves.
Can bearded dragons eat curly kale
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat kale, but only rarely. Kale is high in goitrogens. Feed once in 2 weeks.
Can bearded dragons eat curly mustard
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat curly mustard (same as mustard greens). Your bearded dragon can eat curly mustard every day as a staple.
Can bearded dragons eat cuttlefish
Yes, you can use cuttlefish bone to use for calcium supplementation for your bearded dragon. Use a knife to scrape the cuttlefish bone or a grinder. And then, use a powder to dust the food.
You can read about bearded dragon supplementation in this post (new tab).
Can bearded dragons eat dandelion leaves
Yes, bearded dragons can eat dandelion flowers and leaves – and they are actually one of the staples. Dandelions are very nutritious and have a proper Ca:P ratio (2.7:1). Make sure to collect from a clean field that hasn’t been sprayed or buy from stores.
Can bearded dragons eat dates
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat dates. Dates are too dry for your dragon (hard to eat and digest – impaction risk) and too high in sugar.
Can bearded dragons eat dead insects
While your bearded dragon can eat freeze dried feeder bugs such as dried crickets like this from time to time, don’t use all the time. That’s because they don’t move and still lose part of its nutrition.
But if the insects were alive (crickets, locusts, roaches), don’t feed if they die. You can feed the dead insect straight away, but not more than 10-15 minutes after it died. Dead insects attract various parasites and loose most of their moisture and nutrition quickly.
Avoid offering any dead or dried mealworms to your bearded dragon. Mealworms have tough exoskeletons, and dried ones can cause impaction in your dragon. They are also fatty, and dried ones would lose a lot of nutrients too.
Can bearded dragons eat dead nettle
Yes, your bearded dragon can occasionally eat white or red dead nettle leaves. Mix in a salad once in 2 weeks or so.
Can bearded dragons eat deli meat
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat deli meat. Deli meats or ham are highly processed, contain a lot of salts and preservatives. Avoid completely.
Can bearded dragons eat dew worms (earthworms)
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat dew worms (earthworms), but it’s not recommended to take earthworms from outside as they can be loaded with parasites.
Earthworms are rather nutritious, containing moderate amounts of fat (5-11%) and are source of iron. But the Ca:P ratio is rather low, 1:3.5 and requires dusting with calcium.
If feeding occasionally, make sure to get captive bred dew worms (earthworms). Do not buy earthworms raised for bait as they are grown in poor conditions.
Can bearded dragons eat dill pickles
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat dill pickles at all, because they are too high in salt. Cucumbers are not very nutritious for your bearded dragon, anyways.
Can bearded dragons eat discoid roaches
Yes, bearded dragon can eat discoid roaches as a staple. Discoid roaches are similar to Dubia roaches in nutrition, are rather to easy to breed and grow fast too. Only downfalls are that they can be harder to sex and to find for sale.
Can bearded dragons eat dock leaves
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat dock leaves. Dock leaves are too high in oxalates, so avoid completely.
Can bearded dragons eat dog food
No, bearded dragons can’t eat dog food. Your bearded dragon must not eat dog food, because it’s too high in protein and fat. Also, dog food (dry or wet) can contain preservatives that will be too harsh for your bearded dragon’s digestive system.
Bearded dragons in general are not supposed to eat meat normally (only allow rarely).
High protein levels in dog food will cause constipation, gout and kidney failure in your bearded dragon long-term, and high fats – obesity, fatty liver disease and heart problems.
Can bearded dragons eat Doritos
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat Doritos. Doritos are processed food that contains too much salt and spices. Please avoid. If your bearded dragon accidentally ate a small piece, it should be fine though.
Can bearded dragons eat dried fruit
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat dried fruit, but only rarely. In general, fresh fruit is a treat for your dragon, but dried fruit should only make a small proportion of treats. That is because dried fruit is very high in sugar.
If you want to offer any dried fruit to your dragon, make sure they are easy to chew and that it’s an acceptable fruit overall. Prunes and dried apricots are an example of allowed dried fruits.
Can bearded dragons eat dried mealworms
It’s not recommended for your bearded dragon to eat mealworms. Mealworms are treats for bearded dragons, and you should only offer them to your dragon that is over 8-10 months old.
Freeze dried mealworms are not likely to spark any interest in your dragon, and will have a low nutritional value.
Can bearded dragons eat Dubia roaches
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Dubia roaches! Dubia roaches are one of the best staple feeder bugs for your dragon. They are easy to sex and breed, don’t make any noise and can’t jump or climb. Dubias are moderate in fat (6-7%) and Ca:P is 1:3.2, so they will need gut-loading and dusting.
Can bearded dragons eat earwigs
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any earwigs. Earwigs can pinch your bearded dragon and cause digestive upsets. Wild caught earwigs can also be full of pesticides, mites and other chemicals. While earwigs are generally not toxic, you shouldn’t feed any earwigs to your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat Echeveria
While you can put Echeveria in your bearded dragon’s tank, you shouldn’t feed it to your bearded dragon. Echeveria is a non-toxic decorative plant for your bearded dragon’s tank, but your dragon shouldn’t eat it as food.
Can bearded dragons eat Edamame
While your bearded dragon can rarely eat edamame, feeding them is not a good idea. Only feed few, once a month or so, if at all.
First of all, edamame is a soybean, which contains isoflavones, which can mildly mimic female estrogen hormones. Edamame is also high in oxalates (calcium binding) and has a high phosphorus ratio compared to calcium (around 1:3).
Can bearded dragons eat edible flowers
Yes, your bearded dragon can and should be encouraged to eat edible flowers! Some flowers can be fed as staples and add variety to the diet.
But make sure flowers haven’t been sprayed with any pesticides or other fertilizers. Some of the best edible plants for your bearded dragon are dandelions, hibiscus and nasturtiums.
Can bearded dragons eat egg yolk
While your bearded dragon can rarely eat some scrambled or boiled egg, offer egg yolk in minimal quantities if possible. Try to remove most of the egg yolk when offering eggs.
This is because egg yolk is high in fat and cholesterol, which isn’t healthy in big quantities.
Can bearded dragons eat eggs
Yes, you can occasionally offer an egg to your bearded dragon. Only offer half a chicken egg or up to 1 quail egg at a time.
You can read a full post on feeding bearded dragons eggs here (new tab).
Can bearded dragons eat eggshells
No, don’t give your bearded dragons any eggshells. Eggshells are sharp and will cause injuries in the mouth and guts, and cause impaction.
Can bearded dragons eat Elephant Bush
Elephant Bush, or Portulacaria afra is a non-toxic succulent plant that you can have in your bearded dragon’s terrarium. However, don’t offer it for feeding at all.
If you wish, you can grow it in the tank, but you will need grow lights for them. They can also grow tall, so will need some care.
Can bearded dragons eat endive
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat endive, and it’s actually one of the staple greens for your dragon. Endive has an optimal Ca:P ratio (2:1), so ideal for every day feeding. It’s also not too high in oxalates or goitrogens.
Can bearded dragons eat Eucalyptus
No, bearded dragons can’t eat Eucalyptus! Eucalyptus contains various oils and is not safe not only to eat, but even to put in your dragon’s tank as a plant. Don’t use for feeding or as a decor in the tank.
Can bearded dragons eat feeder fish
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any fish at all. Fish carry parasites and have small and sharp bones, which can injure your dragon’s insides and cause serious impaction.
You can’t get rid of parasites before offering them to your dragon. Fish is also not a regular/normal meal for your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat feeder guppies
No, same as with any other fish, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any fish. Fish contain natural parasites in them, that you can’t eliminate before giving to your bearded dragon.
While wild bearded dragons sometimes eat fish, please don’t risk feeding any guppies to your bearded dragon, even feeder ones. They are also fatty.
Can bearded dragons eat feeder lizards
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any feeder lizards. This is because lizards have bones, and your bearded dragon can’t properly digest bones. This increases the risk or impaction.
Most lizards are also large, and anything larger than the width of the head is likely to cause impaction. Having said that, your dragon will probably be fine if it has eaten a small lizard, but it can result in parasites.
If you wish, feed fuzzy mice to your bearded dragon once a month or less. That is for example when you want your dragon to gain weight. Otherwise, skip that too. Even feeding fuzzy mice (with not a fully developed skeleton) is not safe.
Can bearded dragons eat fennel
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat fennel occasionally. Fennel is not the staple food, so mix with other salads every 10-14 days. Ca:P ratio in the fennel isn’t the most optimal – 1:1.1, but fennel is high in Vitamin C.
Can bearded dragons eat figs
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat figs. Try to offer fresh figs over dried ones as an excellent treat (fruits). Figs have an excellent ratio of Ca:P – 2:1 and are high in vitamins A, K and fiber. Dried figs are too high in sugar, so try to avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat flies
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat some type of flies. Your bearded dragon can eat fruit flies, Black Soldier fly (often given larvae). Fireflies (lightning bugs) are toxic and even 1 can kill your dragon.
Common black flies shouldn’t do any harm if your dragon ate one, but they can still carry parasites. Try to avoid feeding any wild black flies for that reason.
Can bearded dragons eat Fluker’s cricket quencher
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat Fluker’s cricket quencher. Cricket quencher is often high in calcium and contains food coloring.
If your bearded dragon has eaten some cricket quencher, reduce its calcium intake for few days. It can also cause some digestive upsets and runny poop.
In general, it’s better to offer crickets and other feeder bugs fresh veggies and fruit for hydration, rather than quenchers or crystals.
Can bearded dragons eat Frisee
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Frisee. Frisee is a type of endive – also called curly endive. Endive is a staple for bearded dragons, so you can feed it daily.
Can bearded dragons eat frogs
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat frogs or toads. Frogs and toads can pass and cause parasitic infections in your bearded dragon. What is more, frogs and toads can cause serious impaction and paralysis in your bearded dragon. Avoid, as frogs are not suitable type of food for bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat frozen vegetables
Yes, you can offer frozen vegetables when it’s too hard to find fresh ones. However, your bearded dragon will greatly benefit from fresh vegetables (and fruits).
This is because freezing causes some loss of vitamins B and C. Try to offer more fresh vegetables and fruits, but you can also mix in some frozen ones too. Freezing in general, preserves most nutrients well.
Can bearded dragons eat fruit
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat fruit, but make sure to offer fruit as treats. Fruit should only make 10% of your bearded dragon’s diet.
Can bearded dragons eat Garbanzo beans
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Garbanzo beans occasionally. Garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, are slightly high in phosphorus (1:3). Offer only once in 10-14 days, in small quantities. Make sure that if buying canned ones, they don’t contain salt or other preservatives.
Can bearded dragons eat garden peas
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat garden peas, but only rarely. Garden peas are very high in phosphorus, so don’t offer a good Ca:P ratio (1:4).
Can bearded dragons eat gardenias
Gardenias are mostly non-toxic, but they are toxic to many small animals, as well as dogs, cats and horses. It is better to avoid having gardenia in your bearded dragon’s enclosure, and never feed any to your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat garlic
No, bearded dragons can’t eat garlic, as it’s toxic to them. Avoid completely.
Can bearded dragons eat garlic chives
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat garlic chives, as they are toxic to your dragon. Avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat Gem lettuce
Gem lettuce is a small version of larger Romaine lettuce, which is not very nutritional for your bearded dragon.
Your bearded dragon shouldn’t really eat Gem lettuce, only add small amounts to a salad rarely – once a month or so. You can offer whenever needed for extra water intake (very dry foods).
Otherwise, avoid offering much, and better stick to other more nutritional greens. For example, endive, escarole and others, which are similar to lettuce.
Can bearded dragons eat Goji berries
There is no evidence as to whether Goji berries (Wolfberries) are safe for bearded dragons. However, Goji berry plant is toxic to most reptiles. Please avoid having any Goji berry plant, or actual berries near your bearded dragon and never feed any.
Can bearded dragons eat goldfish
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any goldfish. This is because goldfish carry a lot of parasites. Also, they are not natural for your dragon to eat – they are nutritionally unbalanced and fatty.
Can bearded dragons eat Granny Smith apples
While bearded dragons can eat apples, Granny Smith apples are not the best choice. This is because Granny Smith apples are very acidic and hard to bite. If feeding apples as a treat, try to choose sweeter apples.
Can bearded dragons eat grapefruit
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat grapefruit. Grapefruits are very acidic, and can cause serious digestive upsets. Please avoid feeding any citrus fruits.
Can bearded dragons eat grapes
Yes, you bearded dragon can eat red/green grapes, but very rarely. Offer as treat, only once in 2 weeks or so. Your bearded dragon might prefer sweet and ripe grapes. If you can, peel the grapes to make them easier to digest.
However, grapes and raisins are debated to cause liver and kidney damage, so you might avoid feeding any grapes/raisins at all.
Can bearded dragons eat grasshoppers
Yes, your bearded dragon can definitely eat grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are fairly nutritious, and similarly to crickets will need gut-loading. But remember, lubber grasshoppers are toxic to bearded dragons.
Don’t feed wild grasshoppers from outside as they do carry parasites. If you wish to feed your bearded dragon any grasshoppers, you can buy special feeder grasshoppers or buy canned grasshoppers like this.
Can bearded dragons eat green beans
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat green beans, but not as a staple. Green beans have a Ca:P of 1:1 and some oxalates, so feed once a week or so in a mixed salad.
Can bearded dragons eat guacamole
No, your bearded dragon must not eat guacamole! Guacamole is made of avocado (toxic), lemon juice which is too acidic and other unsuitable ingredients.
Can bearded dragons eat guava
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat guava as a treat. While guava is very high in vitamin C, it is also slightly high in phosphorus (Ca:P ratio of 1:2.2). Good treat within 10% of fruit allowance. To prepare, remove the skin, seeds and cut into small pieces.
Can bearded dragons eat gummy bears
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat gummy bears! Gummy bears are too high in sugar and not beneficial for your dragon at all. If your bearded dragon has accidentally eaten a gummy bear, then it’s fine.
Don’t offer any more fruits to your dragon for few days and hydrate to help pass the gummy.
Can bearded dragons eat Halo oranges
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat Halo oranges. Bearded dragons should not eat any acidic citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes and so on. Acidic foods will cause serious digestive upsets in your bearded dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat hamburgers
Your bearded dragon can eat a small piece of a hamburger once in a while as a treat. Make sure the hamburger doesn’t have any unsafe vegetables or any seasonings. Hamburgers are cooked on oil and are very fatty, so limit the consumption to once a month if at all.
Can bearded dragons eat harvester ants
No, bearded dragons cannot eat harvester ants, as their bites are very painful and they can also be venomous. Horned lizards are known to feed mainly on harvester ants, though.
Can bearded dragons eat hay
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat hay. For example, your bearded dragon can eat alfalfa hay (better to offer green, fresh hay) as a staple. Alfalfa is a flowering crop plant in a legume family. Alfalfa is also good to add extra fiber and calcium to your dragon’s diet.
You can also offer timothy hay, but less often. This is because timothy hay would be dry and lacking moisture.
Don’t offer too much hay to your dragon, as they are very high in fiber and can cause runny poops in high quantities. Add some fresh (high in moisture) alfalfa in your dragon’s salad few times a week.
Can bearded dragons eat hens and chicks
Hens and chicks are non-toxic to your bearded dragon and you can use them in your dragon’s tank. But your dragon shouldn’t eat hens and chicks, however if it ingested some, it will be fine.
Can bearded dragons eat herbs
Yes, your dragon can eat herbs from time to time if you add them to the salads. Herbs will add variety and most dragons love the taste or aromatic herbs.
Permitted herbs are basil, coriander, peppermint, spearmint, dill, thyme, oregano and rosemary. Never feed chives as they are toxic! Also avoid parsley.
Can bearded dragons eat hibiscus
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat hibiscus, even every other day. You can feed the whole hibiscus plant, and they are very nutritious. Most bearded dragons seem to like the taste of hibiscus.
Can bearded dragons eat hissing cockroaches
Yes, you can feed Madagascar hissing cockroaches to your dragon. But make sure you are feeding nymphs, because hissing roaches get very big. Hissing roaches have a thick shell, so feed to adults of over 12 months old.
Madagascar hissing roaches have a longer lifespan than most other roaches, and grow and breed quite slowly. This is the main reason most owners don’t choose hissing roaches. Hissing roaches can also climb.
Ca:P ratio in hissing roaches is 1:3.7 (vs. 1:8 in crickets). They are also high in protein (20%) and moderate in fat (6%), similarly to crickets. Make sure to gut-load for 24hrs before feeding. Note the size, too.
Can bearded dragons eat honey
Your bearded dragon can eat a little bit of honey mixed in some water. Honey has natural antibacterial properties. Bearded dragons also like its sweet taste.
Your dragon shouldn’t eat honey too often though – it is high in sugar. Offer once in a while mixed with water to dilute and soften.
Can bearded dragons eat honeydew melon
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat honeydew melon as a treat. Cut to small bite sized cubes and offer as a treat (within 10% of fruit allowance).
Can bearded dragons eat honeysuckle
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is lightly toxic to people, but mildly to highly toxic to dogs and other small animals. Avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat hostas
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat hostas (plantain lilies). Most lilies are toxic to dogs, cats and small animals and cause allergic reactions too. Avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat hot dog
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat hot dogs. Hot dogs are processed food, high in fat and salt. Meat must also not be a normal part of your dragon’s diet. You can offer a piece once in a while, but never often.
Can bearded dragons eat house spiders
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat house spiders. House spiders might carry parasites, and won’t offer any proper nutrition to your dragon. If your bearded dragon has accidentally eaten a house spider, it should be fine though.
Can bearded dragons eat hummus
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat hummus. Hummus contains lemon juice, garlic, oil and other ingredients that your dragon must not eat (even toxic). It will also make your dragon’s poop runny.
Can bearded dragons eat ice cream
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat ice cream. Ice cream is a dairy product, and bearded dragon cannot properly digest dairy. Dairy in larger quantities will cause serious digestive issues in your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat iceberg lettuce
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat iceberg lettuce from time to time. Iceberg lettuce is not very high in nutrients, but offer from time to time for extra water intake. Mix with salad and offer small quantities. Romaine and gem lettuce is slightly higher in nutrients, so you might consider that.
Can bearded dragons eat impatiens
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat impatiens as a snack. Impatiens are safe for your dragon to eat.
Can bearded dragons eat iris flowers
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat iris flowers. Iris plants are toxic to your dragon, and will cause both very negative digestive tract issues and skin reactions. Avoid all iris flowers.
Can bearded dragons eat isopods
It is better not to feed your bearded dragon any isopods. Never let your dragon eat isopods from outside, as they tend to carry parasites and be high in pesticides and heavy metals.
If you wish to use isopods for a bioactive setup, you will need to breed isopods and then use a new clean colony for the setup. Isopods are often used as cleaner bugs in a bioactive setup. While your bearded dragon can eat some of them, they shouldn’t be a normal part of the diet.
Can bearded dragons eat ivy
There are number of different ivy plants that can be either safe or toxic. Ivy plants should mainly be used as decorative plants, and not fed to your bearded dragon.
For example, Swedish ivy is safe for your dragon’s tank. Toxic ones (both leaves and berries) are English ivy, Boston Ivy. Also toxic are Parlor Ivy and Poison ivy. Please avoid using any ivy plants apart of Swedish ivy in your dragon’s tank, as most ivy plants are not safe for dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat jalapenos
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat small quantities of jalapenos. Don’t offer leaves or seeds – cut the outer part into small pieces. Offer few pieces at a time, once in 3-4 weeks as a treat. This is to prevent digestive upsets and runny stools.
Can bearded dragons eat jam
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any jam. Jam is low on nutrients and is mainly sugar. Offer fresh (and rarely dried) fruits instead.
Can bearded dragons eat Japanese beetles
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat Japanese beetles. The toxicity of Japanese beetles to bearded dragons is not completely researched. However, Japanese beetles are not likely to be toxic and your bearded dragon is likely to be fine if ingested one or few.
Japanese beetles have a thick exoskeleton which can be hard to digest. Nutrition levels in them is also not fully researched/determined. Try to keep your dragon away from Japanese beetles.
Can bearded dragons eat jello
No, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat jello. Jello doesn’t offer any suitable nutrition to your dragon – it is mainly made of gelatin, sugar and coloring. Avoid feeding any.
Can bearded dragons eat jerky
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any type of jerky. Jerky is a very dry and processed food, very high in fat, salt, cholesterol and other additives. Avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat jicama
Your bearded dragon can eat jicama (Mexican yam bean) as a snack. Jicama is rather sweet and is not highly nutritional (contains good amounts of vitamin C, though). Offer few pieces or some grated jicama root from time to time as a treat. Ca:P ratio in jicama is 1:1.5.
Can bearded dragons eat June bugs
No, don’t let your bearded dragon eat June bugs. June bugs can come in contact with various pesticides. They also have a thick outer shell which can cause impaction. If your bearded dragon has eaten a June bug, it should be fine though.
Can bearded dragons eat kai lan
Kai lan is also called gai lan, Chinese broccoli or Chinese kale. Your bearded dragon can eat kai lan, but in limited quantities. Kai lan is high in vitamin A, C, K, folate and Manganese, and its Ca:P ratio is 2.4:1.
However, Kai lan is goitrogenic, that will seriously affect your bearded dragon’s thyroid health in bigger quantities. Offer some kai lan to your bearded dragon only once in 2 weeks mixed in a salad.
Can bearded dragons eat kale
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat kale. Kale is not a staple, but it has been proven that kale is not high in oxalates as previously stated. However, kale is slightly goitrogenic. Offer raw kale to your bearded dragon occasionally.
Can bearded dragons eat kidney beans
Yes, your bearded dragon can occasionally eat kidney beans. Kidney beans are slightly high in phosphorus (Ca:P ratio is 1:4), so offer only from time to time.
Can bearded dragons eat king worms
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat king worms (also known as superworms, or Zophobas morio). Offer king worms only to your adult bearded dragon (hard to digest).
Also make sure the size is not larger than the width between your dragon’s eyes. Ca:P ratio is 1:13, so gut-loading is necessary.
Can bearded dragons eat kiwi seeds, skin
Your bearded dragon can eat kiwi only rarely, as it is acidic and very high in oxalates. Feed only few times a month. You can leave the kiwi seeds, but your dragon shouldn’t eat the kiwi skin. Peel it first and offer few small bites.
Can bearded dragons eat kohlrabi
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat kohlrabi, but very occasionally. This is because kohlrabi is high in goitrogens. Offer some raw grated kohlrabi only few times a month.
Can bearded dragons eat kumquats
No, do not to feed any kumquats to your bearded dragon. Kumquats are sour inside, and have a sweet skin. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat any citrus fruits, so avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat ladybugs
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat ladybugs as they are toxic to your bearded dragon. If your bearded dragon has accidentally ingested one, then it will most probably be fine. But if you normally have many ladybugs in your house, set traps to catch them.
Can bearded dragons eat lambs lettuce
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat lamb’s lettuce, but only occasionally and in small quantities. Lambs lettuce is mostly made of water (90-93%) and Ca:P ratio is 1:1.4. Not a high nutritional value (although high in potassium).
Can bearded dragons eat lavender
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat lavender, as it’s non-toxic. Make sure plants have not been sprayed with anything, though.
Can bearded dragons eat leeks
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat leeks! Leeks are a part of the onion family and are toxic to bearded dragons in bigger quantities. They cause anemia and organ failure. Avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat lemon balm
Lemon balm is a plant in a mint family, and is non-toxic if ingested. It is better to use it as a decoration in the tank. You cause the plant in the room or the tank, and your dragon is not likely to eat it because of a strong smell.
Can bearded dragons eat lemons
No, bearded dragons can’t eat lemons. Avoid feeding any citrus fruits to your bearded dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat lightning bugs

No, your bearded dragon must not eat lighting bugs, as they are highly toxic to your dragon. Eating even one lighting bug can kill your bearded dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat lilies
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat lilies or have them in the tank. Most lilies are toxic to bearded dragons. Toxic lilies include Lily of the valley, Calla lilies, Tiger lily, Oriental lily, Peruvian lily, Glory lily and many more. Don’t have any lilies near your bearded dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat Lima beans
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Lima beans, but only occasionally. Beans are high in phosphorus (Ca:P ratio is 1:3.5). Offer boiled or canned beans once in 2-3 weeks.
Can bearded dragons eat limes
No, bearded dragons can’t eat any citrus fruits – avoid feeding any limes at all! Citrus fruits are dangerous to bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat lobster roaches
Yes, bearded dragons can eat lobster roaches. Lobster roaches breed very easily and have thin shells for easier digestion. However, lobster roaches can climb very well, so you will need to put them in a large bowl with slippery sides to prevent escapes.
Can bearded dragons eat lubber grasshoppers
No, your bearded dragon must not eat lubber grasshoppers as they are toxic. Do not feed any and make sure that your bearded dragon can’t eat any of them. They are highly toxic to bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat lychee
While your bearded dragon can eat some lychee fruit, they are very high in phosphorus compared to calcium (Ca:P ratio of 1:6). Offer very rarely, and only the inside of the fruit that is properly ripe.
Can bearded dragons eat mangetout
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat mangetout (snow peas) occasionally. Offer once in 7-10 days.
Can bearded dragons eat mango
Yes, your bearded dragon can enjoy mango as a treat (within the 10% of fruit allowance). Ca:P ratio – 1:1.
Can bearded dragons eat marigolds
Yes, your bearded dragon can enjoy marigold as a treat, as they are non-toxic. However, be careful with Marsh marigolds, don’t let your bearded dragon ingest them.
Can bearded dragons eat mashed potatoes
You should avoid feeding your bearded dragon any potatoes and never offer raw potatoes. Mashed potato (brown or sweet potato, with no seasonings or else) can be a very rare treat. Potatoes are hard for bearded dragons to digest, are very starchy and high in phosphorus.
Can bearded dragons eat mealworm beetles
Yes, your adult bearded dragon can eat mealworm beetles. Only offer to adults because they can cause impaction in baby dragons. Also, make sure not to offer too often, because they are high in fat.
Can bearded dragons eat mealworm pupa
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat mealworm pupae. Make sure your bearded dragon is over 8-10 months old before you feed any mealworms and note the size. Mealworm pupae have softer shells than actual beetles.
Can bearded dragons eat mealworms
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat mealworms, but only from time to time as treats. Ca:P ratio in mealworms in around 1:16.5 (vs. crickets – 1:11). Mealwroms are high in in phosphorus, are hard to digest and quite fatty (13% vs. 6% in crickets).
Offer only to adult bearded dragons over 8-10 months old and of appropriate size. You can feed both larvae, pupae and beetles of mealworms.
Can bearded dragons eat mint
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat and enjoy mint. Offer some mint leaves on the salad to entice your dragon to eat. Don’t offer too many leaves at a time, and use more as a garnish/dressing.
Can bearded dragons eat monarch caterpillars
No, your bearded dragon must not eat monarch caterpillars or butterflies, as they are highly toxic to them! Avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat Morio worms
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Morio worms (superworms) as a treat. Make sure your bearded dragon is at least 16 inches (around 10-12 months old), before you offer any Morio worms.
Also note the size. Morio worms are very fatty (17%). Offer as treats – offer few once in 1-2 weeks.
Can bearded dragons eat morning glories
No, your bearded dragon must not eat morning glories. Morning glories and dwarf morning glories are toxic to reptiles, including bearded dragons. Even few seeds can cause serious adverse reactions.
Can bearded dragons eat mosquitoes
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any mosquitoes. They can come in contact with pesticides and other chemicals. However, if your bearded dragon accidentally ingests one, it should be fine.
Can bearded dragons eat mulberry leaves
Yes, bearded dragons can enjoy washed mulberry leaves fresh from trees (not sprayed with anything). Mulberry leaves are nutritious and Ca:P ratio is around 2:1, which is ideal. You can invest in a mulberry tree to regularly include fresh mulberry leaves to your bearded dragon’s salads.
If you have a colony of silkworms, they will also eat and enjoy mulberry leaves. However, if you wish to offer actual mulberry berries/fruit to your dragon, make it only a treat.
Can bearded dragons eat mushrooms
No, your bearded dragon must not eat any mushrooms. Mushrooms are too high in phosphorus, hard to digest when raw and most types can be toxic to bearded dragons. Avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat mustard greens
Yes, bearded dragons can eat mustard greens as a staple. Feed mustard greens every day, as they are high in vitamin A and C, potassium, lutein. Ca:P ratio is also ideal – 2:1.
Can bearded dragons eat Napa cabbage
Bearded dragons can eat Napa cabbage (also called Chinese cabbage), but only once in 2-3 weeks. Chinese cabbage is high in goitrogens.
Can bearded dragons eat nasturtium
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat and enjoy nasturtium flowers and leaves every other day. They are nutritious and non-toxic.
Can bearded dragons eat nectarines
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat nectarines within the 10% of fruit allowance.
Can bearded dragons eat nettles
While stinging nettle leaves are edible, you should avoid feeding many to your bearded dragon. Nettle spikes cause serious irritation to the skin and mouth.
Also, older nettle leaves are high in oxalates and can cause digestive upsets. You can offer some leaves, but never too many. And you have to remove the spikes first and wash the plant. It is better to avoid feeding any.
Can bearded dragons eat Nopales
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Nopales. Nopales are the type of prickly pear cactus pads. These pads are an excellent source of nutrients, so you can feed it daily!
You can buy cactus pads like this online and feed them to your bearded dragon. Finding in stores might be more difficult – local markets can have some. You can also try growing your own plant from cuttings. To prepare, remove the outer layer skin, and feed the inside part to your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat NutriGrubs
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat NutriGrubs. NutriGrubs are also known as Calci worms or Phoenix worms. NutriGrub, or Phoenix worms, are excellent staple feeder bugs.
They don’t need any dusting or gut-loading, as they have an ideal Ca:P ratio – 1.5-2:1. They are also moderate in fat (10%). However, they are rather small, so you would need to supplement with other bugs as well to make a meal.
Can bearded dragons eat nuts
No, bearded dragons can’t eat nuts. Nuts are too high in fat and phosphorus, making them completely unsuitable for bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat oak leaves
No, bearded dragon can’t eat oak leaves. Oak leaves are toxic to bearded dragons and even larger pets, causing severe digestive issues. Avoid any oak leaves or acorns getting near your bearded dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat oats
No, bearded dragons can’t eat oats. This is because oats pose a risk or impaction and expand greatly when wet. Do not use oats as your bearded dragon’s tank substrate either – as they can easily get moldy and get ingested by your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat olives
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any olives. Olives are very high in fat. You can also give your bearded dragon few drops of olive oil when it’s constipated or impacted.
Can bearded dragons eat onions
No, your bearded dragon must not eat any onions. Onions and other plants from the onion family must be avoided altogether as they are toxic to your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat orange head roaches
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat orange head roaches. Orange head roaches (Eublaberus Posticus) are good feeder roaches, but they can smell. However, if you keep them in optimal conditions, they will not smell.
The won’t climb or fly either, and they are also beautiful. Also, they have a soft exoskeleton, making digestion easy for your bearded dragon.
They will need gut-loading. Orange head roaches can make excellent staple feeders, but can be hard to find. They are also not allowed to be kept at home in some states by law, so check first.
Can bearded dragons eat oranges
No, bearded dragons can’t eat oranges. Oranges and other citrus must be totally avoided. Also avoid any orange or other citrus peel.
Can bearded dragons eat orange peppers
Yes, your bearded dragon can occasionally eat orange bell peppers. You can also offer red or green bell peppers. Offer only occasionally, once a week or so. Your dragon might prefer the certain color of the bell pepper, so you might experiment.
Can bearded dragons eat oregano
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat some oregano mixed in a salad.
Can bearded dragons eat Pangea

Pangea and Repashy is a complete food, mainly for crested geckos. Bearded dragons need more fresh veggies and live bugs, but your dragon can eat some Pangea or Repashy as a treat. Pangea food comes in different flavors, such as this papaya one.
Can bearded dragons eat pansies
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat and enjoy pansies. Feed flowers only as treats. Make sure flowers haven’t been sprayed with anything before feeding.
Can bearded dragons eat papaya
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat and enjoy papayas often. Papayas have an ideal Ca:P ratio of 4.5:1 and are high in vitamin C. Feed often in a range of 10% fruit allowance.
Can bearded dragons eat parsley
No, avoid feeding any parsley to your bearded dragon. This is because parsley is very high in oxalates. While your bearded dragon can eat few leaves rarely, it is better to stick to other herbs – mint, basil, oregano and more.
Can bearded dragons eat parsnips
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat parsnips, but only occasionally. Ca:P ratio in parsnips is 1:2. Grate parsnips or cut to very small pieces, and offer raw.
Can bearded dragons eat pea pods
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat peas and pea pods. Peas is an occasional vegetable, however. Also, your bearded dragon can eat pea shoots or sprouts, but they are higher in phosphorus.
Can bearded dragons eat peaches
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat fresh peaches occasionally (within the 10% of the fruit allowance). Remove the skin and cut to small bite size pieces.
Can bearded dragons eat peanut butter
No, bearded dragons can’t eat peanut butter. Peanut butter is too high in fat and protein. Also, it has added sugar. Avoid altogether.
Can bearded dragons eat pears
Yes, bearded dragons can eat pears as a treat. Offer small bites within the 10% fruit allowance. Moderate in oxalates.
Can bearded dragons eat petunias
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat petunias as a treat, as they are non-toxic. Make sure flowers haven’t been sprayed with anything before feeding.
Can bearded dragons eat philodendron
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat philodendron, as it is toxic. Don’t let your bearded dragon eat any type of a philodendron plant.
Can bearded dragons eat Phoenix worms
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Phoenix worms, also called Black Soldier fly larvae, CalciWorms or Reptiworms. Phoenix worms are great staple bugs, and don’t require feeding or gut-loading. However, Phoenix worms are very small and you will need a lot to feed your dragon.
You can buy them in larger quantities (such as 500 or this 1000) to feed your dragon. You can alternate between Phoenix worms and other staple, because you might need 80-100 of them to make a meal.
Can bearded dragons eat pine needles

No, pine is toxic to bearded dragons. If you are putting a Christmas tree in your home, make sure not to let your dragon go near it. Pine fumes, sap and needles are all toxic to bearded dragons.
While your bearded dragon is not likely to die from ingesting few needles (hopefully properly chewed before swallowing), you must keep your dragon away from the real Christmas tree.
Can bearded dragons eat pineapple
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat few small pineapple pieces, but very rarely. Pineapples are acidic, so limit the consumption to minimal.
Can bearded dragons eat Pinto beans
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Pinto beans, but only occasionally. They are quite high in phosphorus (1:2).
Can bearded dragons eat plums
Yes, bearded dragons can eat plums, but in very small quantities are only occasionally. Plums are moderate in oxalates, but Ca:P ratio is 1:2.6.
Can bearded dragons eat pomegranate seeds
Your bearded dragon can eat pomegranate seeds very rarely. Offer once a month or so as a treat. While pomegranate seeds are small to cause impaction, you should try to avoid any problems. Pomegranate is also rather high in phosphorus with Ca:P ratio of 1:3.5.
Can bearded dragons eat popcorn
No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any popcorn. Most popcorn is seasoned and buttered, which is very unhealthy for your dragon. In general, popcorn is not at all suitable for your bearded dragon, so avoid.
If your bearded dragon has accidentally ingested a kernel, it can lead to impaction and expanding of the kernel in the stomach. Watch your dragon if this happens. Popped kernel should pass fine.
Can bearded dragons eat Pothos
No, bearded dragons can’t eat Pothos, as it is toxic! Avoid having any Pothos near your bearded dragon’s tank, or inside.
Can bearded dragons eat pumpkin
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat pumpkin occasionally. You can feed raw pumpkin, avoid feeding seeds. Pumpkin is good when your bearded dragon is constipated. Don’t feed too much, as it can cause diarrhea.
Canned pumpkin in case of constipation is also an option. But in general, choose squashes as a staple food for your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat quail eggs
Your bearded dragon can eat quail eggs very occasionally as a treat. You can offer eggs once a month or so. Offer one small quail egg (boiled, scrambled) without any oil or seasonings. Quail eggs are even more nutritious than chicken eggs.
Can bearded dragons eat radicchio
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat radicchio occasionally. However, radicchio is high in oxalates. Ca:P ratio is not optimal either – 1:2.1. Only offer once in few weeks.
Can bearded dragons eat radishes
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat radishes, but only once in a while. This is because radishes are high in goitrogens. Offer once in few weeks.
Can bearded dragons eat raisins
No, avoid feeding your bearded dragon raisins. Raisins are high in sugar and are thought to cause liver and kidney damage in reptiles.
Can bearded dragons eat rapini
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat rapini, but only occasionally. This is because rapini is high in goitrogens. Ca:P ratio is 1.4:1. Offer once in 2 weeks.
Can bearded dragons eat raspberries
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat raspberries, but only occasionally. Raspberries are not the best fruit for bearded dragons, because they are high in oxalates. Offer quite rarely.
Can bearded dragons eat roses
Yes, bearded dragons can eat roses as a treat. Your bearded dragon can eat rose petals, hips and leaves. Make sure to give only a little bit as a treat, big amounts can cause stomach upsets.
Can bearded dragons eat rosemary
Yes, your bearded dragon eat a little bit of rosemary from time to time. Only give a little bit because larger amounts will cause digestive irritation.

Can bearded dragons eat savoy cabbage
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat savoy cabbage, but only occasionally. Savoy cabbage is quite goitrogenic. Also, Ca:P ratio is 1:1.2, which isn’t optimal to feed often.
Can bearded dragons eat sedum
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat sedum. Your bearded dragon will develop digestive sues if it eats sedum. In high quantities it will be toxic.
Can bearded dragons eat silkworms and silkworm moths
Yes, bearded dragons can eat silkworms. Silkworms make great feeder insects, as they are soft and easy for your dragon to eat and digest. Offer silkworms in the larvae stage better, as they are much higher in nutrition than moths.
While you can offer silkworm moths to your bearded dragon, they will be less nutritional. Remember that you also need to gut-load them for 24 hours before feeding to your dragon.
Can bearded dragons eat slugs
No, you must not feed any slugs to your bearded dragon. This is because your bearded dragon might choke or suffocate from the mucus that slugs have on them. Slugs can also carry parasites.
Can bearded dragons eat snapdragons
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat snapdragons as they are toxic to them. Avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat sorrel
No, bearded dragons can’t eat sorrel, as in bigger quantities it will cause poisoning and digestive issues. Also, sorrel is bitter and sour, because it has high quantities of oxalic acid (bad for dragons).
Can bearded dragons eat spaghetti
No, you shouldn’t feed your bearded dragon any spaghetti or noodles. Spaghetti is bad food for bearded dragons because it is mainly carbohydrates and very high in phosphorus.
Can bearded dragons eat spinach
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat spinach, but very rarely (less than once a month). Spinach is very high in oxalates, so you should even try to avoid it in your bearded dragon’s diet altogether if possible.
Can bearded dragons eat spring onion
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat any spring onions. Any type of onions are toxic for bearded dragons, and spring onion is a young onion. Avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat squash
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat squash and it’s actually a staple vegetable that you can feed every day. Your bearded dragon can enjoy various squashes – Butternut, Scallop, Hubbard, Acorn, Spaghetti, Summer.
To prepare squash, remove the peel, finely chop, grate it, or cut into thin pieces. Offer raw squash to your bearded dragon to preserve all the nutrients.
Can bearded dragons eat steamed vegetables
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat slightly steamed vegetables, but it is a better idea to offer raw vegetables. Raw vegetables are superior in nutrition than steamed or cooked vegetables. Wash well and cut to small pieces or strips.
Can bearded dragons eat strawberries
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat strawberries, but only rarely. Strawberries are both oxalic and goitrogenic berries, so feed only once a month or so. Remove the top and cut into small pieces.
Can bearded dragons eat sugar snap peas
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat sugar snap peas, but only occasionally. Ca:P ratio in sugar snap peas is 1:1.2.
Can bearded dragons eat sunflower leaves
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat sunflower leaves/petals. Sunflowers are non-toxic to animals or people, but make sure it wasn’t sprayed with anything before offering to eat. Don’t offer seeds though – your dragon will have trouble digesting them.
Can bearded dragons eat swede
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat swede (rutabaga) occasionally. Don’t offer too often because swede is high in goitrogens. Ca:P is also not optimal for frequent feeding – 1:1.2. Offer raw.
Can bearded dragons eat sweet potato
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat sweet potato, but rarely. Sweet potato is high in carbohydrates and is starchy, making digestion of raw sweet potato quite difficult. It’s better to offer boiled sweet potato. Only offer very rarely and as a treat.
Can bearded dragons eat sweetcorn
It is better for your bearded dragon not to eat any sweetcorn. This is because sweetcorn is very high in phosphorus and can lead to calcium deficiency if you offer often. Ca:P ratio is 1:12.5, which is too high.
Can bearded dragons eat tangerines

No, your bearded dragon can’t eat tangerines. Don’t feed your bearded dragon any citrus fruits at all.
Can bearded dragons eat thyme
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat thyme as a treat. Thyme is safe for bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat tiger lilies
No, your bearded dragon must not eat tiger lilies, as they are toxic. Each part of a tiger lily plant is toxic to your bearded dragon, so you must avoid it.
Can bearded dragons eat tomato worms
Yes, tomato worms (hornworms) are good feeders for your bearded dragon, so it can eat them. They are soft, but can be expensive to buy. Make sure to buy feeder insects and never feed wild-caught hornworms (as they can eat tomato plants that are toxic to dragons).
You can buy feeder hornworms that come in a cup with food for them to eat like this.
Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes
While your bearded dragon can eat some tomato, you should avoid feeding much if any at all. Tomatoes are acidic, which is not good for your bearded dragon’s digestive system. Also, tomatoes are high in phosphorus (Ca:P ratio = 1:2.5). Try to avoid.
Can bearded dragons eat tulips
No, your bearded dragon must not eat any tulips. Tulip bulbs are the most toxic part of the plant, and ingestion will cause severe symptoms. Don’t let your bearded dragon eat even petals, as they are also mildly to moderately toxic.
Can bearded dragons eat turnip greens
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat turnip greens. Make sure they are cut to smaller pieces to avoid them getting stuck in your bearded dragon’s throat.
Can bearded dragons eat unsweetened applesauce
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat a little bit of applesauce in case of constipation. Applesauce is good to help with constipation or to feed when your bearded dragon is sick.
Don’t add any cinnamon or sugar. It is better to make your own, because ones in stores often have preservatives. Only offer unsweetened applesauce in case of digestive issues, otherwise fresh apples are better.
Can bearded dragons eat vinegar
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat any vinegar as it’s too acidic. If you are wondering about effects of cleaning the tank with vinegar, then it should be fine. Make sure to dilute the vinegar and let the tank air out before your return your dragon back to the cage.
Can bearded dragons eat Vita sand
Vita sand is a sand substrate for reptile tanks. However, your bearded dragon must not eat the sand, as it is very likely to cause impaction. Please use non-loose substrate for your bearded dragon’s tank.
Can bearded dragons eat wandering jew
You should not feed your bearded dragon any wandering jew. Its sap can cause serious allergic skin reactions.
Can bearded dragons eat watercress
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat watercress every other day. Watercress is high in calcium, vitamin A and C. Ca:P ratio is ideal – 2:1. Oxalate level in watercress is low-medium.
Can bearded dragons eat watermelon
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat watermelon, but only from time to time. Feed watermelon mainly for extra water intake. This is because watermelon is not very nutritious.
However, it will provide a good amount of water and some fiber. Offer little quantities, or it will cause runny poop. Remove the rind and seeds, and cut to small bite sized pieces.
Can bearded dragons eat wax worms
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat wax worms, but only as a treat. This is because wax worms are very high in fat (20-25%).
Can bearded dragons eat woodlice
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat and enjoy woodlice. Make sure the woodlice are not wild. You can buy feeder ones or start a colony yourself.
Woodlice are nutritious, but they eat a lot to be full and grow. They are also quite small. Tropical woodlice are good as feeder bugs.
Can bearded dragons eat yams
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat yams, but only in small quantities or rarely. This is because yams are not optimal in Ca:P ratios – 1:3.2 and they are also starchy. Offer raw and grated (remove the skin).
Can bearded dragons eat yogurt
Your bearded dragon should not eat yogurt normally. This is because bearded dragons are not designed to digest dairy. When buying yogurt, choose non-dairy yogurt – which can be a vegan soy one.
Offer yogurt to a bearded dragon which has parasites or is receiving medications, which can impact the gut flora. Offer a small spoon once a week.
Your bearded dragon can also eat some yogurt when it’s having low appetite. Healthy dragons wouldn’t really need to eat yogurt, at least not regularly. Vegan yogurt is a natural macrobiotic to help in case of digestive tract issues.
Can bearded dragons eat zucchini
Yes, your bearded dragon can eat zucchini, but only rarely. This is because zucchini is high in phosphorus (1:4.4). Offer some raw grated zucchini (remove the skin) in the mixed salad once in 2 weeks.
If you would like to learn more abut bearded dragon diet, read this post of what and how feed your bearded dragon here.
You can also learn about bearded dragon supplementation and vitamins in this post.