In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about crested gecko’s diet. We will discuss best foods for crested geckos and give you a list of safe …
Crested Gecko Tank Accessories and DIY Decor Instructions!
In our previous post, we have discussed the best safe plants and branches to use in a crested gecko’s vivarium. And in this post, you will find a list and …
Crested Gecko Best Non-Toxic Vivarium Plants and Branches
After you have bought your crested gecko’s terrarium, prepared its substrate, and set up lighting, humidity and heating, it is time to introduce some accessories. In this post, we will …
Optimal Humidity, Light and Temperature In a Crested Gecko’s Terrarium
In our previous post, we have discussed the best substrate options for a crested gecko’s terrarium. Also, you can learn how to make bioactive soil substrate for your crested gecko’s …
Best Substrates For a Crested Gecko’s Terrarium & Bioactive Soil
In the previous post, we have discussed choosing and buying a terrarium for your crested gecko. After you have bought a terrarium for your crested gecko, you need to start …
Crested Gecko Terrarium – Size, Ideas and Sealing
In the previous post, we have talked about choosing a healthy crested gecko and buying it. But before you bring your new crested gecko home, you must prepare its new …