Anoles are rather hardy and easy to care for pets, however, they might stop eating due to various reasons and factors. In this post, you will find out various possible …
Why is My Hermit Crab Not Eating or Drinking? Causes, Tips
If your hermit crab hasn’t been eating or drinking, you might be confused and worried on why this is happening. In this post, you will find the main causes of …
Hermit Crab Diet – Food List, What to Feed, Schedules Guide
If you are getting new pet hermit crabs or already have hermit crabs at home, you need to feed them regularly. You might be thinking, “what do hermit crabs eat, …
Hermit Crab Heating and Lighting – Full Guide with Images
If you are setting up your hermit crab tank (crabitat), you might be overwhelmed with all the heating and lighting options. Are you looking for the most suitable heating and …
Hermit Crab Tank Size Requirements, Minimum Enclosure Sizes
If you are thinking of getting a pet hermit crab, you must remember that they are social animals and need companions. So can you get only one hermit crab, or …
Axolotl Aquarium Setup – Complete Step-by-Step Guide
Aquarium setup for your axolotl is one of the most important things you must do in the beginning. Please set up your axolotl’s tank at least 2-3 weeks before you …