To handle your leopard gecko successfully, you will need to know how to handle it correctly to prevent falls, injuries and scaring your gecko. In this post, we will discuss …
How To Stop a Leopard Gecko From Biting You?
Many baby and juvenile leopard geckos can be moody and skittish, resulting in bites. However, it can also be an adult leopard gecko who bit you. While leopard gecko bites …
How To Tame Your Leopard Gecko?
Leopard geckos are quite docile and calm when you handle them regularly. But often after bringing home a new leopard gecko, it will be skittish and jumpy. You will need …
Why Did My Bearded Dragon Throw Up?
If your bearded dragon threw up, this is most probably not normal. Any healthy bearded dragon should not be vomiting, and you should be worried. In this post, we will …
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Scratching at Glass/Glass Surfing?
Many bearded dragon owners experience their bearded dragons scratching at glass, which is also called glass surfing or glass dancing. Scratching behavior is very common in bearded dragons, and is …
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Turning Black?
Most owners get scared or stressed when their bearded dragon is turning black. The most common questions are ‘why is my bearded dragon turning black?’ or ‘why is my bearded …