We all know that bearded dragons are fascinating lizards and can behave in different interesting ways. But why is a bearded dragon licking things, air, floor, plants, substrate, tank and …
Normal and Abnormal Bearded Dragon Poop – Causes and Tips
The color and consistency of a bearded dragon’s poop can tell a lot about bearded dragon’s health. In this post, we will discuss what normal bearded dragon poop and urates …
What To Do If My Bearded Dragon Won’t Poop? Causes and Tips
Bearded dragons should eat and poop regularly to maintain good digestion and stay healthy. However, there are number of reasons why your bearded dragon won’t poop normally. So what to …
Is Crested Gecko a Good Pet? Pros and Cons
Are you thinking about becoming a proud owner of a beautiful crested gecko or few? But is crested gecko a good pet? In this post, we will discuss if crested …
How to Tell If My Crested Gecko Is Dead?
Crested geckos are inquisitive, and can be both slow moving and jumpy. However, if your crested gecko has recently become lethargic and is not moving, you might start worrying whether …
Is My Crested Gecko Stressed? Signs and Reasons
Every crested gecko owner wants his/her crested gecko to be happy and healthy. However, sometimes crested geckos can seem to get scared and stressed due to different reasons. In this …