Heating and lighting are one of the most important things in a bearded dragon’s tank. Bearded dragon tank too cold? In this post, we will discuss why your bearded dragon’s …
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping All Day?
Bearded dragons have sleep patterns which are mainly dictated by lighting and heating. But in some cases, your bearded dragon might act strange and sleep all day. So why is …
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Aggressive? 10 Reasons and Tips
Bearded dragons are generally calm and docile pets. But however, sometimes bearded dragons can become aggressive. So why is my bearded dragon aggressive? In this post, we will discuss bearded …
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Basking?
As you probably know already, bearded dragons are desert inhabitants and need high basking temperatures to stay healthy. But why is my bearded dragon not basking and avoiding a basking …
Bearded Dragon Will Not Open Eyes – Causes and Solutions
Bearded dragons are hardy lizards, but from time to time, problems may arise. In this post, we will talk about bearded dragon eye problems, inability to open one or both …
How Can I Tell If My Bearded Dragon Is Stressed?
Stress among lizards is possible, and shows in various ways. Depending on a source of stress, your bearded dragon can act differently . So how can I tell if my …