Do you have a reptile or possibly few that you feed insects to? Buying insects can become expensive and stressful to deal with. Breeding your own crickets or roaches (for your pets or for profit) can save or make you thousands of dollars per year and help learn a new skill.
These systems overcome the disadvantages of conventional cricket/roach breeding. Find out how its four distinct zones have improved hygiene, breeding consistency, production and of course, maintenance.

98% of people that try to breed crickets fail, because of trying various messy and frustrating techniques with laborious maintenance schedules. This manual & video series with revolutionary techniques has been created after testing countless of methods and experimenting for 14 years. Techniques in this manual have slashed maintenance, eliminated offensive odor and doubled production compared to conventional methods.

With this complete cockroach breeding manual, plus videos, diagrams, photos, email or video support, you will successfully breed your own feeder roaches at home. You will build an automated low maintenance system using innovative techniques that will save you money and time.
The World’s Most Comprehensive Insect Breeding Manuals and Video Series
With around 160 pages and 240 color photos AND VIDEO GUIDES, The insect breeding book series set the benchmark for insect breeding ACHIEVABLE FOR EVERYONE.
You will save thousands of dollars by breeding your own crickets or roaches
No matter the experience level, you will find a method for both low & large scale breeding (for profit)
Low maintenance method after you build innovative and inexpensive self-watering/feeding dispensers
Free email or video support if any questions arise
Tables, photos, videos, step by step instructions and other management secrets to succeed
Only one breeding container that you will need to manage, with less smell and clean-up