Fast Growing Tarantulas List for Beginners-Advanced Keepers!

Fast Growing Tarantulas List for Beginners-Advanced Keepers!

If you are a tarantula enthusiast or possibly want to expand your collection, you might be looking for a tarantula that is fast growing. In this post, you will find a list of fast growing tarantulas for beginners to advanced keepers with pictures from New World, Old World, terrestrial and arboreal, and what you need to keep them.

Before you check out the list of fast growing tarantula species, please remember, that there are many factors that determine how fast a tarantula grows. Factors include temperatures that you keep it at, humidity levels, how much and how often you feed it and more. If you feed your tarantula more and keep it at higher temperatures, it will grow faster.

1. Brazilian salmon pink bird-eating tarantula, salmon pink, or LP – Lasiodora parahybana

Fast Growing Tarantula Species for Beginners, Moderate and Advanced Keepers List

Salmon pink tarantulas are modestly pretty, and generally affordable tarantulas. They are also one of the largest tarantulas – with body length of around 4 inches (10 cm). The reason that makes them generally affordable is that female tarantulas produce thousands of eggs per egg sac! Some tarantulas produce only dozen eggs if you compare.

Salmon pink tarantula spiderlings are very small in the beginning, with legspan of only 3-4 mm. However, salmon pink spiderlings grow quickly, and as adults, want large prey items. Legspan of an adult is around 10-12 inches (25.4-30 cm). Brazilian salmons like and need higher humidity levels of around 70-80% as they come from rain forests where it’s usually very moist.

While salmon pinks are quite easy to take care of, they can be intimidating, especially for beginners. If you want to keep a salmon pink tarantula, be also mindful of their urticating hairs, which can cause especially strong irritation. Their bite is very unpleasant too. So a pair of gloves and even goggles will be very useful if you do intend to get one!

2. Brazilian whiteknee tarantula – Acanthoscurria geniculata

Fastest Growing Tarantulas For Beginners-Advanced Keepers! List

Brazilian whiteknee tarantula is another tarantula species from Brazil. They get very large too, reaching up to 3.5″ (9 centimeters) in body length. It takes around 2 years for a female to reach sexual maturity, while for males – 3-4 years. Mature tarantula legspan is around 8 inches (20 cm).

Brazilian whiteknee tarantulas are quite hardy, not too aggressive and pretty. They have a light to dark brown body with beautiful light colored stripes on their legs. Brazilian whiteknee tarantulas are better for keepers that have some experience. They can be moderately aggressive and flick hairs when they feel threatened.

3. Orange baboon tarantula – OBT, Pterinochilus murinus

Fast Growing Tarantulas For Beginners-Advanced Keepers! List

Orange baboon tarantulas are Old World tarantulas, which means that they don’t kick off urticating hairs, but their bite is very bad. That’s why OBT tarantulas are for very experienced keepers, and not for beginners or even keepers with some experience.

Having said that, you should not handle them at all, as they are likely to attack without any warning. That is one of the reasons why OBTs are also called Orange Bitey Things.

Orange baboon tarantulas are very beautiful orange in color and they eat well. OBTs also reach maturity fast – typically within a year or two for females. They are also pretty easy to look after, and are very hardy. OBTs reach 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in size, with males being generally smaller.

Apart from orange baboon tarantulas, other baboon tarantulas are fast growing tarantulas in general. Baboon tarantulas are for experienced keepers, so don’t get one if you are not sure how to care for and manage them.

4. Trinidad olive tarantula – Neoholothele incei

Source: By – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,

Trinidad olive tarantula are tarantula species from Trinidad and Venezuela. They are pretty and very fast too. This is one of the main reasons why it’s better to have some previous tarantula keeping experience before getting an olive tarantula. They eat well, and catch they prey at very fast speed.

Apart from them being bolty and skittish, they are rather pretty, moderately docile and not defensive. Another good thing is that they don’t have any urticating hairs, so you don’t need to worry about that. They eat well and reach maturity very fast – male can mature in as little as 6 months, and reach 3-4 inches (7.6-10 cm) in size.

5. Tarantulas of Tapinauchenius genus

Source: ArachnoVegan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tapinauchenius tarantulas, such as Tapinauchenius violaceus (Purple Tree Spider), are fast growing tarantulas. They are very fast in their movements, one of the fastest in the world. Their bite can hurt a lot, but is generally not very serious. That’s why they are better for advanced keepers, and not good for beginners.

Another interesting fact about them is that they make a lot of webbing in their enclosures. Luckily, they are not very defensive either, and make good pets if you have experience. They eat very well and mature fast, however they are not big in size – 4 to 4.5 inches (10-11.4 cm). Tarantulas of sister genus Psalmopoeus get larger.

6. Psalmopoeus tarantulas

Fast Growing Tarantula Species List New World, Terrestrial, Arbroreal

Psalmopoeus tarantulas are pretty, grow very fast and make lots of webbing. Some of the most popular tarantulas in this genus include Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron tarantula) and Psalmopoeus irminia (Venezuelan Suntiger).

While Psalmopoeus tarantulas are generally skittish and very fast, they are not defensive or aggressive. Apart from that, they are great tarantulas to keep – they are easy to care for and are hardy too. Psalmopoeus are fast growing tarantulas and reach maturity very fast – males as fast as 18-24 months. Adult size – 5-6 inches (13-15 cm). Psalmopoeus is a sister genus of Tapinauchenius, so these tarantulas require very similar care.

7. Ornamental tarantulas – Poecilotheria genus

Fast Growing Tarantula Species List New World, Terrestrial, Arbroreal List
Poecilotheria metallica, a gorgeous tarantula

Poecilotheria tarantulas come from India and Sri Lanka, and are arboreal. They grow very fast, are good eaters and are very fast in their movements. Poecilotheria ornata (fringed ornamental/ornate tiger spider), Poecilotheria regalis (Indian ornamental) and Poecilotheria metallica (peacock tarantula) are a few popular species in this genus.

While ornamental tarantulas are very beautiful and are fast growing tarantulas, their bite is medically signficicant, which means that it causes strong reactions and severe pain. Having said that, they are only for experienced keepers (but even experienced keepers must be careful and should avoid handling them at all).

8. Xenesthis tarantulas

Source: CC BY-SA 3.0,

Xenesthis is a genus of terrestrial bird-eaters from Venezuela and Colombia. Xenesthis immanis (Colombian Lesserblack tarantula) is the most popular tarantula species of this genus. They have a manageable temperament, are pretty docile and shy, and grow at medium to fast pace.

Xenesthis get quite large, with up to 8-8.6″ (20-22 cm) in legspan. While it takes around 2-3 years form them to mature, you will see significant growth in a year if kept at proper conditions.

9. Pamphobeteus tarantulas

Source: John, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Pamphobeteus is a genus of large, terrestrial, New World tarantulas. Some tarantulas of this genus include Pamphobeteus nigricolor (Brazilian Pink Bloom Tarantula), Pamphobeteus ‘Machala’ (Purple bloom tarantulas). Pamphobeteus tarantulas have a manageable, even docile temperaments, but can be skittish.

They are also pretty and have different requirements depending on species. Most Pamphobeteus are good eaters, have beautiful colors, are active, and are fast growing tarantulas. They are good for keepers who have at least some experience or someone who is ready to do their research (humidity requirements, they are also opportunistic burrowers).

10. Pink-toe tarantulas – Avicularia

Fast Growing Tarantula Species List New World, Terrestrial, Arbroreal - Post

Pink-toe tarantulas are one of the most popular tarantulas that are kept as pets. They are arboreal (tree-dwelling), black in color with pink colored foot pads. Growth rate is medium to fast, with males often growing faster. An approximate time to reach sexual maturity would be 1.5-2.5 years for pink-toe tarantulas.

Avicularia have a manageable and even docile temperament, but they are quick and tend to jump long distances. There are many species to choose from, and they make good pets for beginners.

11. Mexican red rump tarantula – Brachypelma vagans/Tliltocatl vagans

Fast Growing Tarantulas List - Brachypelma vagans

Mexican red rump tarantula is a terrestrial burrowing tarantula species with a black body and red to orange on the abdomen. They have airborne urticating hairs, but they don’t generally cause strong reactions.

Mexican red rump tarantulas grow at medium rate, but much faster than other Brachypelma tarantulas. They are also rather docile and laid back, however can be skittish if you trigger them. If you do, it might kick off some urticating hairs. They are suitable for beginners, so make a good addition to this list.

Thank you for reading this post on fast growing tarantulas! If you would like to learn all about keeping tarantulas, see this page (new tab).