Naming your crested gecko is one of the first things that you will probably think of when getting a crested gecko. In this post, you will find a list of cute and unique crested gecko names for males, females, gender neutral names and names depending on morphs.
Cute crested gecko names for a boy
- Achilles
- Ajax
- Apollo
- Argus
- Augustus
- Balder
- Bart
- Bentley
- Boss
- Captain
- Chardonnay
- Charlie
- Cornelius
- Cosmos
- Cronus (Kronos)
- Dante
- Dylan
- Echo
- Eli
- Elmer
- Enzo
- Eros
- Ezra
- Falcon
- Finn
- Freddy
- Hamlet
- Hector
- Hermes
- Hugo
- Hunter
- Invictus
- Lars
- Linus
- Maddox
- Mars
- Maximus
- Melvin
- Mercury
- Meteor
- Neo
- Noah
- Omen
- Otis
- Prince
- Proteus
- Razor
- Ringo
- Ripper
- Rockstar
- Rocky
- Rohan
- Romeo
- Sandy
- Saturn
- Shadow
- Spice
- Steel
- Storm
- Sultan
- Tarzan
- Tetanus
- Thanos
- Thor
- Toto
- Tristan
- Trooper
- Tyson
- Venom
- Xavier
- Zeke
- Zeus
- Ziggy

Cute crested gecko names for a girl
- Amber
- Ariel
- Atlanta
- Begonia
- Bellatrix
- Blossom
- Calla
- Calliope
- Carmen
- Cecily
- Cleo
- Cubbie
- Daisy
- Diva
- Dora
- Elsa
- Erato
- Gaia
- Geisha
- Gigi
- Goddess
- Goldberry
- Harmony
- Hazel (nut)
- Hemera
- Hera
- Hermione
- Iris
- Ivy
- Java
- Juno
- Kiss
- Kitty
- Koko
- Lizzie
- Lizzy
- Loki
- Luthien
- Magnolia
- Mango
- Merlin
- Mika
- Minevra
- Minnie
- Mona
- Nala
- Nessie
- Nova
- Pandora
- Pearl
- Petunia
- Pixie
- Poppy
- Princess
- Rebecca
- Rhea
- Scarlett
- Selena
- Sugar
- Teela
- Thalia
- Theia
- Valentina
- Velvet
- Xena
- Yoko
- Zealot
- Zelda
- Zelena
- Zia
- Zola

Unisex crested gecko names
- Caramel
- Coco (or coconut)
- Cookie
- Crash
- Crestie
- Crumb
- Cutie
- Digit
- Eclipse
- Frappuccino
- Freak
- Gecky
- Ginko
- Indigo
- Juno
- Kiwi
- Klein (small)
- Malibu
- Muffin
- Nugget
- Pixel
- Poco (small)
- Royce
- Ruddy
- Rusty
- Shadow
- Shikari (hunter)
- Sienna (brown pigment)
- Snickers
- Spooky
- Spyro
- Squeaks
- Sticker, or Sticky
- Turbo
- Twitch
- Walnut

Crested gecko names depending on color (morphs)
- Blaze (fire)
- Cactus
- Cappuccino
- Caviar
- Chai
- Cheesecake
- Chestnut
- Chive
- Choco
- Dahlia
- Flame
- Fringy
- Lemon
- Lime
- Maple
- Marigold
- Muddy
- Nitro
- Nutmeg
- Pac-Man
- Peach
- Pepper (dots)
- Pudding
- Saffron
- Shortbread
- Sunny
- Tabasco
- Tarragon
- Tofu
Hopefully you have loved these names and chosen one or few for your pet crested gecko! Choosing a name for your new companion might not be as easy as it seems, but hopefully you have made your choice after reading this post!
You can find many useful posts of crested gecko care on this page.