Let’s start this post by saying that both leopard and crested geckos make amazing beginner pets. Some people are confident that either crested or leopard gecko is better, but that …
My Leopard Gecko Is Not Eating – 12 Reasons and Solutions
It can be very scary when your leopard gecko stops eating and you can’t figure out what the problem is. There can be multiple reasons why your leopard gecko won’t …
Breeding Leopard Geckos 101 – Mating, Egg Laying, Incubation
Breeding your leopard geckos might be very exciting and interesting. But before you start breeding your leopard geckos, you need to learn about different aspects of breeding. In this post, …
Leopard Gecko Illnesses and Diseases
In this post, we will discuss common leopard gecko illnesses and diseases, their causes and tips for treatments. By reading some symptoms and descriptions, you might diagnose your leopard gecko …
Leopard Gecko Behaviors and Their Reasons
Many beginner and even advanced reptile keepers need time to understand their lizard’s activities and behaviors, and what they mean. In this post, we will talk about leopard gecko body …
Leopard Gecko Shedding and Tail Drop or Injury
In this post, we will discuss shedding, or molting in leopard geckos, how often it happens and how to help your leopard gecko. What is more, we will discuss tail …