YIn this post, we will talk about grooming your bearded dragon – bathing, misting, trimming the nails and helping with shedding. We will also discuss hygiene practices, vivarium cleaning routines …
Bearded Dragon Health Issues, Diseases and Advice
Bearded dragons are good as pets because they are adaptable and don’t get sick too often. But while they can adapt to some conditions, many serious faults in care can …
Bearded Dragon Terrarium Furniture, Plants, Decor
In the previous post, we have discussed setting up lighting in bearded dragon’s vivarium and importance of humidity. Read the post to learn about the best lights for your bearded …
Complete Guide to Bearded Dragon Lighting and Heating Setup
In this complete bearded dragon heating and lighting guide, you will find all about best UVB and basking bulbs, wattages, setup, essentials, lighiting and heating schedules. You will also learn …
What Is The Best Substrate For Bearded Dragons? Pros and Cons
In the previous post, we have discussed choosing and buying the terrarium for your bearded dragon. We discussed how to choose the terrarium of the right size, where to place …
Choosing and Buying Bearded Dragon’s Terrarium/Vivarium
A terrarium/vivarium is one of the most important things that your bearded dragon needs in its lifetime. A vivarium provides a bearded dragon with shelter, basking and cooling spots, hiding …