Are you thinking about getting a pet lizard, but cannot decide between a bearded dragon and Chinese water dragon? While this can be a tough decision to make, you will find information in this post that will help you make this decision. In this post, you will find a head to head comparison between a Chinese water dragon vs. bearded dragon, and which makes a better pet.
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons have a lifespan of around 10-15 years, but some can live up to 20 with excellent care.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons have a lifespan of around 7-12 years, but can live for up to 15 years with excellent care.
Verdict: Both bearded dragons and Chinese water dragons have a similar lifespan, which will also depend on care and husbandry. Chinese water dragons can live longer in general.
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are large lizards. Females reach around 2-2.5 feet (61-76 cm) long, while males – up to 3-3.3 feet (91-100 cm) long.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are medium sized lizards, reaching 17-24 inches (43-61 cm). German giant bearded dragons reach 22-24 inches (56-61 cm) long.
Verdict: Chinese water dragons are larger lizards than bearded dragons. This can be both a good and bad thing (think pros – handling and looks, cons – large caging).
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are omnivorous, eating primarily live feeder bugs, and occasionally some fuzzy/pinkie mice and even fish. Will also accept around 10-15% of vegetables/greens. Chinese water dragons will need to eat once in 2-3 days.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are omnivorous. Younger bearded dragons will primarily eat live feeder bugs. With age (once reaching around 12 months old), will eat primarily greens and veggies. Bearded dragon babies need to eat few times a day, moving to once a day.
Verdict: Chinese water dragons will need to eat mainly feeder bugs throughout their lives, while bearded dragons will need more vegetation with age. However, Chinese water dragons will need to eat once in 2-3 days, as opposed to daily feeding with bearded dragons.
Personality and handling tolerance

Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are rather shy, especially in the beginning. With some work, most become friendly and docile, and rarely bite their owners. Most do not mind handling, but that will depend on each water dragon.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are mostly friendly and docile, and tame out well. Most don’t mind handling and can sit on your lap/shoulder calmly. Are entertaining to watch and own, and rarely bite their owners.
Verdict: Both Chinese water dragons and bearded dragons are interactive and entertaining to watch and own. Most bearded dragons are docile, while some Chinese water dragons might require more work taming.
Enclosure requirements
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons have big requirements for their enclosure. 1 adult Chinese water dragon requires a cage that’s minimum 4-5 feet long, 3-4 feet deep and 5-6 feet tall.
In the cage, you will probably need to use a fogger/misting system to maintain high humidity needs (70-80%). Also, you will need to have a swimming tub with water so your dragon to soak in. You will need to place a filter in water and refresh it few times a week. That is on top of 6-10% UVB tube/bulb and lights.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons come from hot parts of the world, so will need lots of heat and 10-14% UVB lighting. 1 adult bearded dragon can be happy in a 55-60 gallon or larger tank.
Verdict: Chinese water dragons need much bigger enclosures and have more complex care needs.
Chinese water dragons: Chinese water dragons come from tropical areas of the world, where temperatures are pretty much similar throughout the year. So, Chinese water dragons don’t normally brumate, but can slow down just a little.
Bearded dragons: Most bearded dragons brumate, after they reach 12-18 months old. However, not all bearded dragons do brumate, especially if you keep tank temperatures constant.
Verdict: Bearded dragons can brumate, while Chinese water dragons don’t (unless you drop temperatures on purpose to condition them for breeding).
Activity time
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are diurnal, so are active during the day and sleep at night.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are also diurnal.
Verdict: Both Chinese water dragons and bearded dragons are diurnal.
Ability to live in a pair/group
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragon can successfully live in a group. Males must not be housed together, but 1 male and few females often live together well. Two-few females might fight, but can also calm down with time.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are often competitive and do better on their own. When housing two or more bearded dragons, there’s always a chance of them attacking each other.
Verdict: Housing two or more Chinese water dragons is possible, while bearded dragons should live on their own. But remember, that if you house 2 or 3 Chinese water dragons together, you need to add another foot of length to each side of the enclosure for each.
Breeding difficulty

Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons reach sexual maturity and are ready to breed at the age of 2. Each clutch will have around 8-12 eggs, and up to 18 eggs. Females can lay infertile eggs without mating with a male Will lay 1-2 clutches a year.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are not difficult to breed. You can start breeding them at the age of 1.5-2. Females will lay 2-5 clutches a year, and each clutch will consist of 20-40 eggs. Bearded dragons can also lay eggs without mating, but eggs will be infertile.
Verdict: Both Chinese water dragons and bearded dragons can lay infertile eggs without mating. Bearded dragons have a larger clutch and lay more clutches per year.
Tail dropping
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons can lose or break their tail when scared and when you apply too much pressure on it. Their tail can regenerate to an extent, but won’t grow back in the same way or to full length.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons don’t drop their tail, but it can also break due to too much pressure or accidents.
Verdict: Bearded dragons win in this category. It’s much easier for a Chinese water dragon to drop or break its tail. However, if you are careful, it’s not very likely to happen.
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are rather hardy. When owning one, make sure to take care of humidity (not too low or high), to prevent skin problems and a respiratory infection. Most other health issues are similar to ones that bearded dragons can also suffer from.
Chinese water dragons are also known for hitting their snout on glass and sometimes solid walls. You will have to avoid using all-glass enclosure, or covering 3 sides with background tiles or cloth + adding a lot plants. On the bottom outside of the cage, you will have to add around 4-5 inches of a tape to show your dragon there’s a barrier.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are hardy. While they can get sick, most problems are prevented with good care.
Verdict: Both Chinese water dragons and bearded dragons are hardy, and good husbandry practices will allow you to prevent health issues.
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons mostly poop in water, so you will have to refresh water as often as every 2-3 days if you have a filter installed. Poop should be removed with a net to make cleaning easier.
Without a filter in a soaking tub, you will need to refresh water daily. Also, you will have to remove uneaten food daily and clean the substrate once a week. Once in 2-3 months, refresh the substrate fully.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons tend to poop in various parts of the tank, so you will need to spot clean. Most bearded dragons relax in water and poop there, so some owners put them in water to poop at the same time daily. Other cleaning activities include drinking water refreshment and removing uneaten food.
Verdict: Both bearded dragons and Chinese water dragons need their tank to be cleaned daily, weekly and monthly. Disinfecting the tank is also important for the well-being of your pet. Both bearded dragon and Chinese water dragon poop smell (as they eat bugs). Pooping in water makes cleaning easier.

Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are truly gorgeous, large green lizards with a long tail. They look a little bit like iguanas, but are smaller and less aggressive than them.
Males especially sometimes get beautiful pink/turquoise or yellowish coloration on their throat. Some males will also get yellow coloration on their side. Males will develop much longer spikes, while in females, they will be smaller or almost missing.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are beautiful lizards – both males and females don’t have differences in appearance. There is a big number of various morphs that differ in coloration – yellowish, white, orange and more.
Verdict: Both lizards are gorgeous and looks are a matter of preference. In Chinese water dragons, there are gender variations, while in bearded dragons both sexes look the same.
Beginner suitability
Chinese water dragon: Chinese water dragons are not the best lizards for beginners. Their more complex needs include keeping the humidity high, feeding a variety of feeder bugs, a large enclosure. However, if researched properly and prepared in advance, it is possible.
Bearded dragon: Bearded dragons are good pet lizards for beginners. But make sure to also research everything and set up an enclosure in advance.
Verdict: Bearded dragons are more suitable for beginners. If you would really like a Chinese water dragon, make sure you will be able to get a large enclosure for it, have and refresh the water in its soaking tub and more. Luckily, there are many devices that can make their care much easier.
Summary – bearded dragon vs. Chinese water dragon
Hopefully, this head to head comparison has helped you compare them better. Both Chinese water dragons and bearded dragon make amazing pet lizards.
However, Chinese water dragons have more care requirements. But if you research everything in advance and prepare, it can be manageable. Dedication and being able to physically and financially care for your pet lizard are the most important things. With time, care routines will become easier to manage.
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