Pooping is one of the most important functions to get rid of waste, and it also indicates general well-being of your ball python. If your ball python is not pooping regularly, it could be caused by both internal and external factors. In this post, you will find causes on why a ball python is not pooping, how often a ball python should poop, and what you can do to help it poop.
How often should a ball python poop?
Most ball pythons poop around 6-10 days after eating, but it can be longer than 10 days depending on ball python’s environment. Ball pythons can hold their waste for long periods of time, and some normally poop only once in 1-3 months.
In the wild, they tend to hold it in so that they don’t need to change their hiding location. Poop would give out their presence. So, pooping once in 1 to even 3 months can be normal (if your husbandry is fine and ball python healthy). Many ball pythons tend to poop right after shedding (once in 1-3 months or similar).
Ball pythons have a strong digestive system, and only a small percentage is excreted as feces. Often, few feedings (1-5 on average) are required for your ball python to poop, but it can be more. Ball pythons don’t have a consistent pooping schedule, and it might change from time to time.
Ball python poop will differ in size, but will be medium to large (similar small to medium cat/dog poop) and brown to dark brown in color.
You will also see white to yellowish urates – urine in solid form, that is waste product of nitrogen made in kidneys. Sometimes, ball python might only pass urates (possibly with some liquid urine too), and sometimes, only feces (separately).
Should I feed my ball python if it’s not pooping?
Yes, ball pythons might not poop after you feed it once. Most often, ball python poop after you feed it for 2-5 times or even more, as most of the food is being used by its body for nutrients.
Ball python not pooping – reasons
Reason #1: Inadequate tank temperatures

One of the reasons why your ball python is not pooping is inadequate temperatures in the cage. Proper temperatures in the cage are crucial for your ball python to digest food. Constant low temperatures will cause not only regurgitation, loss of appetite and constipation, but also other health issues.
Basking temperatures for ball pythons should reach 87-94 Fahrenheit (30.5-34.4 Celsius), and 76-82 Fahrenheit (24.4-27.7 Celsius) on a cool side. Night temperatures should stay pretty much constant, at around 80-83 Fahrenheit (26.7-28.3 Celsius).
It doesn’t really matter which type of heating you use (under tank for belly heat or overhead), as long as optimal temperatures are met.
Make sure there are never sudden temperature changes. Keep your heating device on at night if required (make sure it doesn’t emit light though). Keep heating devices connected to a thermostat. Make sure to have at least 2 digital thermometers and regularly check temperatures with an infrared thermometer like this.
You can find more information on heating your ball python’s tank in this guide (new tab).
Reason #2: Handling after food
After your ball python has eaten, you should not handle it at all for at least 2-3 days. This will ensure that your ball python can properly digest its food.
Handling too early after food will disturb its digestion and can cause regurgitation. What is more, it is going to cause stress to your ball python. Most ball pythons tend to hide after eating, for at least few days while digesting.
There is no need to take your ball python out to feed in a separate container. If you can, please feed your ball python in its cage. This will eliminate unnecessary stress and possible regurgitation or appetite loss.
Reason #3: Slower metabolism
Older ball pythons not only eat less often, but they also have a slower metabolism. If your ball python is older than 15-20 years old, it might start eating and pooping less often than before.
This would vary, but aging ball pythons can experience slower metabolism. Young ball pythons are also not going to poop too often. That’s because they eat small sized prey. In general, both young and older ball pythons can have slow metabolism.
Reason #4: Ball python is not eating much or often

How often your ball python poops also depends on how often it eats. Prey size will also affect pooping schedule. So, if your ball python has not eaten for some time, it is not going to poop either.
Ball pythons that are eating larger prey sized items (for example rats rather than mice), are also more likely to poop sooner. Smaller ball pythons eating smaller mice/rats are going to poop less often. Their poop might also be small and you might miss it in the cage.
Make sure you are not underfeeding your ball python by offering prey items that are too small. The best way to calculate is to monitor your ball python’s weight and weigh prey rodents that you are offering.
You can find a feeding chart by age and weight in this post (new tab).
Reason #5: Low humidity in the cage or dehydration
Another reason why your ball python might develop issues digesting food is low cage humidity and/or dehydration. Ball pythons require humidity levels of 55-70%, and even up to 80% when shedding.
There should also be a water dish with fresh water in the cage at all times. Without proper hydration, digestion will also suffer. Wrinkly skin and dry poop are signs of dehydration.
Read more on maintaining ball python cage humidity here.
Reason #6: Stress

Stress can contribute to a problem of your ball python not pooping. To make sure your ball python can properly digest food, make sure it feels safe and comfortable.
To help with that, make sure to eliminate stress factors. These include locating the cage in a constantly bright and loud area, handling too often and more.
To help your ball python feel comfortable, you must have 2-3 hides in the cage. Similar hides are preferred. Hides must be tight and have only one entrance.
Reason #7: Winter season
During winter, a ball python’s digestive system tends to slow down. This might happen even if you don’t lower temperatures or photoperiod (in fact you shouldn’t unless conditioning for breeding).
Also, if you have recently got your ball python, it’s might not eat normally for some time. That’s especially true for wild-caught ball pythons that are shipped in cooler weather. A ball python might not eat even for a few months, which means that it won’t poop for a long time either.
Signs of constipation in ball pythons
- If you notice any swelling or hardening near cloaca, it could indicate impaction/constipation. However, swelling from 2 weeks to few days before pooping is normal. Swelling goes down after a ball python has pooped.
- First stool after a long time is hard and darker/grayish in coloration.
- Not pooping for a long time (more than 3 months), plus not pooping when shedding or shortly after shedding during this time. Soak your ball python in warm water (85F) for 20 minutes, and see if it helps. If not, take your ball python to a vet.
Thank you for reading this post on a ball python not pooping/constipation. You can also find more information on ball python care on this resource page.