Bearded dragons are one of the most popular lizards because they are tolerant of handling. They are docile and tame well. In this post, we will talk about handling bearded dragons and hand feeding them correctly. Most bearded dragon enjoy being the center of attention and love coming out their cage to look around. But even though they don’t mind you handling them, there are some rules that you must follow when handling dragons.
Handling baby bearded dragons
Handling baby dragons is not recommended until they reach 5-6 months old. This is because baby bearded dragons are fragile and can be easily crushed. Baby bearded dragon will also injure itself greatly if it falls from your hands or shoulder.
But at the same time, you should handle it when cleaning the cage and for grooming. Also, hand feed your bearded dragon and come to its cage often. This way baby bearded dragon will get used to you and will tolerate handling very well when the time comes. If you hand feed them, they will associate you with positive experience.
A hatchling or baby dragon will be so small that it will fit in your hand. To move a hatchling correctly use your index and thumb finger to gently lift the bearded dragon and place it on your palm. If a baby is trying to run away, lift your fingers gently to prevent him from escaping your palm. You can use both hands so it can run across your palms.
How to handle adult bearded dragons correctly?
To handle your bearded dragon correctly, slide your fingers under its head and upper body. Use your thumb to gently hold on to its shoulders. You can also use your other hand to hold the lower part of its body, if you don’t feel confident.
If you are the new owner of a bearded dragon and haven’t handled one too many times, there are some tips that will help you. Firstly, it is better to take your bearded dragon (or have someone else pass it to you) and sit down. You must hold your bearded dragon gently. Otherwise, it can get scared and try to run away or jump. If you are sitting on a sofa, for example, there is a little possibility that your bearded dragon will fall and injure itself.
And don’t handle your bearded dragon outside the house if you are not experienced – it can run away. Handling your bearded dragon outside when the temperatures are low is not a good idea – your beardie will lose its body heat quickly.
How long can you handle your bearded dragon for?
Never handle your bearded dragon for more than 40 minutes to an hour. This is because bearded dragons can’t warm themselves up properly. While your bearded dragon will be getting some warmth from you, it will be cold outside the cage. You will be able to tell if your bearded dragon is cold – it will start getting darker in color and look tired.a
What you must not do when handling a bearded dragon
- Never pull your bearded dragon’s tail. If you break bearded dragon’s tail, it will not grow back.
- You must not pull your bearded dragon from the rock or branch suddenly – it will scare him/her.
- Don’t move around a lot, jump or run when handling a bearded dragon – your dragon will be scared and will try to run away.
- You must not handle your bearded dragon after it had a meal – it needs high basking temperatures to digest the food properly. Being out of the cage after a meal will cause an upset stomach.
Should children or smaller kids handle a bearded dragon?
If you wish to include your children in a bearded dragon care routine, you need to let them take part in handling too. Getting a bearded dragon can be usually children’s idea, and allowing them to care for a bearded dragon can teach responsibility. Make sure that bearded dragon’s cage is locked if you have small children, so they don’t open it themselves. Sliding terrarium doors can often fit a lock.
The best idea is to make your child sit down, and then bring the bearded dragon and place it on her/his hands. Carefully and calmly explain to your child to be gentle with the bearded dragon, not to squeeze it, pull its tail or put fingers in its mouth. Don’t let small children handle hatchling and baby bearded dragons, as they are too fragile. Make sure your child washes hands with soap after handling a bearded dragon.
Do bearded dragons bite?

Look at his poses!
No, biting is very uncommon with bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are very calm and let you handle them in different ways – on your hand, shoulder and even in other weird poses! The only time when your bearded dragon might bite is when it is very stressed.
Never interrupt your bearded dragon’s mating or breeding behaviors. Also, don’t pull your bearded dragon from benches, rocks or shake it. If your bearded dragon has flared its beard, don’t handle it until it has calmed down. If you are rough with your bearded dragon, there is a chance that it will think you are a predator – and will bite you.
Hand feeding your bearded dragon – tips
Hand feeding your bearded dragon from the young age will help to establish a good bond between you two. This is because bearded dragons associate people with food and feeding. This positive association helps create trust and positive relationship with your bearded dragon. If you start hand-feeding your bearded dragon from the young age, it will always come to you when you approach the vivarium.
Be careful when offering foods to a bearded dragon – don’t put your fingers it its mouth. Bearded dragons have sticky tongues, and they will extend it to catch food. So there is a little chance of a bite, if you don’t put the food in its mouth.
Salmonella and handling bearded dragons
Salmonella bacteria are normally found in bearded dragon’s guts. Even though there is a small chance of you contracting it, you must always wash your hands with antibacterial soap after handling, feeding or touching bearded dragon’s cage. Never kiss a bearded dragon and make sure to follow these cleaning routines for a good vivarium hygiene.