Telling the gender of a young Chinese water dragon is not easy. However, all owners want to know the gender of their pet green water dragons, especially if thinking about breeding them. In this post, you will learn what signs to look for to successfully tell the gender of a Chinese water dragon and which age you can tell the sex of a Chinese water dragon.
You cannot tell the gender of your Chinese water dragon until it turns around 1.5 years old, or reaches at least 16-17 inches (41-43 cm) long. Even at 12 months old, most Chinese water dragons still look like females.
That is when it will start developing sexual characteristics. Taking pictures of your Chinese dragons over the months will help you see the difference.
Tip 1: Head shape
Male Chinese dragons definitely develop larger heads – even the triangular shape will be very visible. In males, their head ‘stands out’ from the body, while in females, it doesn’t. Females, on the other hand, develop much smaller heads.
This difference in males will start being visible when it turns around 1 years old. If you do have a male, its head will get more triangular and broad.
Tip 2: Jowls and throat color

Jowls difference between males and females is very noticeable, even if you don’t have few dragons to compare. Males will develop large jowls (cheeks), that will be round and protruding. In females, jowls will be mostly flat and won’t protrude. What is more, males have spikes on their jowls, while females – don’t.
Some males will also develop more colorful throat coloration – including pink, yellow and turquoise, while females won’t. However, this is not a clear indication of a Chinese water dragon’s gender. Also, some males will have an orange coloration behind their front legs.
Tip 3: Spines/crests
Crests that run along the back of the head, back and part of the tail are also a big indicator a Chinese water dragon’s gender.
In male Chinese water dragons, their crests will be much longer and pointy, especially on the neck. In female Chinese water dragons, the spines will be very small and short.
You would often have to wait for your Chinese water dragon to turn around 3 years old before you can see differences. However, some females might have medium sized crests, making you think that they are males.
Tip 4: Body size and shape

The body size by the age of 3 can also help you determine the gender of a Chinese water dragon. By the age of 3 years old, males will often surpass females in size.
While male Chinese dragons do get bigger, they won’t grow to 3 feet by the age of 2 – so you will have to wait longer to see the growth. It can take up to 4-5 years for a Chinese water dragon to reach 3 feet long. Females will reach maximum 2 feet (rarely up to 2.5 feet) long.
Besides the body size, body shape is also an indicator of the gender in Chinese water dragons. Female Chinese water dragons have a more rounded body, especially around their belly. Males, on the other hand, are more triangular across the abdomen and tail. In males, even the tail base is more triangular.
Tip 5: Femoral pores

Femoral pores are a surefire way to tell the gender of a Chinese water dragon. The femoral pores are found alongside the underside of the back legs (thighs), above the vent area.
In males, the femoral pores are much more prominent, and are used to mark the territory. They will start getting more visible, bumpy and round. In females, pores might be visible, but they will be faint, smooth and small. In males, the tail base will also be much thicker.
Summary: determining the gender of a Chinese water dragon
To summarize, you will have to wait for your Chinese water dragon to turn at least 16, but ideally at least 18 months before you can start seeing any sexual characteristics. Up until this point, all babies and juveniles will look like females.
If your Chinese water dragon is 4.5-6 inches (11.4-15 cm) snout to vent or 16 – 18 inches (41-46 cm) in total length, you can tell its gender with more certainty.
At this point, your dragon will be around 1.5-2 years old, and the lack or presence of crests, femoral pores, body shape and size, jowls and coloration will give you an indicator of the gender.
Thank you for reading this post. To learn more on Chinese water dragon care, please see this resource page.